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The next morning I woke up and sat up gently yawning. I was confused and worried as what had happened yesterday. I had cried myself asleep, after I calmed down and decided that somehow Madara and I would fix things. But, when I woke up, the same feeling of dread and despair washed over me because I had no idea what to do.

Madara waited for me to fall asleep before he left at night. He told me he would be back in the morning with a plan.

After not eating for so long, I finally sat down to eat some Miso soup and rice for breakfast that Hashirama had set in front of me. "You need to eat, to keep up your strength and keep the baby healthy.", Hashirama insisted. I nodded in agreement and had nearly finished eating when there was a familiar sounding knock on the door.

Hashirama looked at me in silence, and I could see the dread plastered on his face. "I'll get it.", is all he said.

As the door opened I saw the same elderly lady; Ichiro's grandmother, from the walk only the day before. I had learned her name was Yami Uzumaki.

"Can I help you with something?", Hashirma, said impatiently. "I'm here to speak with Hanarei." she said bluntly. Hashirama, stepped aside and she stepped inside.

"What do you want?", I asked rudely. Yami, looked unfazed by my rude response. "Gather your things. It is time to go. You will be staying with me until the wedding.".

I looked at Hashirma, for an answer. I'm not sure what I expected him to do, but I was hoping he would stop this living nightmare from occurring. Hashirama, glanced at me and gave me a look of pity. "Do what your told, for now.", he said softly.

"You wouldn't marry me, against my will? Would you?", I asked pitifully, in an attempt to get Yami to sympathize with me. Yami, looked back at me unmoved. "I was put in an arranged marriage more than 50 years ago. I survived, and you will too. The elders know what is best.".

"What about true love?" I asked desperately. "You will learn to love Ichiro now.", Yami responded bluntly. I felt my face turn red with anger. "Why are you so heartless?!", I screamed at Yami. "If you know what's good for you, you will learn to control your temper, before someone has to put you in your place!", the frail looking lady snapped at me.

I stormed out of that room to get my things, and slammed the door behind me. I would have to leave with her for now. But, that didn't mean I would cooperate, or that I had given up. I felt both anger and pity toward the old lady. She had been forced into an arrange marriage too, didn't she know how terrible it felt! Didn't she even know what true love was?

The walk back to Yami's home, was long and silent. Neither of us spoke, and I was too angry to even look her in the eye when we arrived.

"This is your room and your bed.", Yami said showing me where to put my things. She hadn't even left the room and I found my eyes searching for a way out when I had spotted the window. "Okay." was all I said waiting for her to leave. "Let me know if you need anything" Yami said before leaving the room.

I began planning how and when I would crawl out the window that night, to meet up with Madara, and hopefully, I would never come back!

Late that night when the house was quiet and still, I opened the window and snuck out. I walked in the dark, cold of night, excited to meet up with Madara the Uchiha compound. He would have a plan by now, I reassured myself.

I eventually got to the compound and came into the house, where Madara was at the table drinking some green tea.
"Madara do you have any ideas in what to do?" I asked in a worried and pitiful voice looking him in his soul bound eyes.
"I don't have a plan love, I'm so sorry." Madara said sounding stressed, nervous and confused as he set his tea down on the table looking at me.

"I don't want to be in this marriage! I just don't! Why couldn't they have put me in a arranged marriage with you?!" I cried in anger as I sat down. "It's all your fault Madara! If you weren't so hot-headed, then we would be getting married right now! But NO! You decided to be a hot-headed..... a hot-headed jerk!" I snapped.

"MY FAULT?! How Is it my fault?! It's those damned elders fault! Saying 'The elder's know best' and what not! If your mad take it out on them; this is the last thing I wanted to happen and its unfair you're taking your anger out on me for being myself!"

I stood silent and emotional, for a moment and just pondered. It really wasn't his fault; he had a point. It really was the elders fault.
"I'm sorry.." I whispered softly. "It's just I'm annoyed with what's going on and I'm trying to figure out why they're not putting me in a marriage with you" I sighed.

"It'll be ok darling, I forgive you. Though, you should probably head back before they notice your gone." He said nervously, and then softly kissed my forehead.
I nodded softly before kissing him back and heading out the door, saying bye gently.

I felt bad for yelling at Madara, but now I was worried what would happen to me Yami noticed I snuck out. I quickly sprinted back, while staying hidden in the forest trees. I held back tears, knowing I didn't want to go back and my eyes stung as I hurried in the cold night air.

I got back to the Uzumaki residence and quietly snuck back into my room. I crawled quietly in through the window and gently shut it
behind me, before turning around and noticing Ichiro standing across the room in the doorway. He looked angered and his eyes seared through me as he stood silently for a moment with his arms crossed.

I stood frozen with fear as he began to speak. "Where the hell were you?!" He growled in anger staring me up and down. "I-Ichiro.." I mumbled, fear dripping from my voice as I looked at him, and I began to tremble.

"Answer my damn question Hanarei! Where the hell were you!" He snapped louder; this time coming up to me, his face in mine. Ichiro, grabbed my arm painfully tight, seething with anger and then shoved me away from him. "I....I was with Madara..." I mumbled, my breath becoming heavy with worry and fright. I was too stunned to think up another answer.

Ichiro, stormed over to me in a rage, and raised his hand....

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