What's Happening To Me?

394 14 16

Ichiro stormed over to me in a rage, raising his hand...

I felt the sharp sting of his hand across my face, and heard the sharp slap of his hand on my skin, before I felt my body go numb with fear. 
"I-Ichiro!" I broke down in a crying fit, falling on my knees on the old wooden floor, holding my bright red cheek as tears streamed down my face.

"I wouldn't have had to slap you if you weren't so stupid and disobedient . Your wrecking my reputation! You know how bad that looks on the Uzumaki clan?! YOU KNOW HOW BAD THAT LOOKS!" He screamed at me.

"Stay away from that bastard of a Uchiha and don't ever talk to him or about him again... I'm better than him anyway. You are lucky you have me in your life!" He snarled in my face before looking at my night stand and pushing off the glass cup in anger; the glass shards shattering everywhere as water droplets splashed all over my tear covered face.

He glanced back pitifully at me, as if he had a moment of remorse for his actions.  "It's too bad you made me do this to you.", he scowled before he walked away and slammed the door, leaving me tear-covered and shaken in the corner of the room on the floor.

I cried myself to sleep that night scared and afraid...

When morning finally came, I woke up to a loud thunk! Followed by another thunk, and a smaller thunk sound against my window.

"What in the world?" I mumbled to myself before getting up and opening the window to investigate, only to see Madara standing there in his dark blue yukata and throwing rocks at the window to get my attention.

"What are you doing here?!" I panicked hoping Ichiro wouldn't hear and slap me again. "DARLING WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!" He ran up to the window and lightly cupped my face in his hands, looking at my slap mark that now had a light purple tint to it.

"Ichiro slapped me last night. He found out..." I whispered softly. His face filled with anger and his shiaringan activated. "No one better hurt you! No one! Where the hell is he?!" He snapped angrily at what happened to me.

"Baby shhh!" I covered his mouth with my hand. "Look, I'm scared if I do anything else wrong he'll hurt me again so just keep calm, ok?" I removed my hand and gently kissed his soft lips.

He developed a small blush as all his anger seemed to settle down and his shiaringan seemed to deactivate, holding the kiss for a bit. "I love you, and will always love you." I whispered breathlessly as I looked him in his eyes.

He looked around the area and gently jumped into my room through the window, quietly locking the door behind me. "I love you to, and I will always protect you and care for you. Even if its from a distance" He whispered before turning around to face me and gently placing me on the futon as we looked at each other.

"Madara this is a bad idea.." I whispered looking at him. "What if he finds out?"

"I'll make sure he doesn't." He said softly before we spent the next 10 minutes together talking. Madara comforted me, before he had to scurry off.
"What are you going to do?" I asked Madara, knowing he was still furious over what happened to me. "This has gone too far, I'm going to put an end to this now. Hashirama and will make sure no one hurts you again, okay?". "Don't leave me here alone!" I begged Madara.

"I have to get Hashirama, and I'm taking you home tonight.", I smiled in relief. I trusted Madara would fix things, even though I was scared and confused about how. "Okay." I said in a whisper. "Just hurry. Please...".

I lay there on my futon anxious after what just happened before I sat up and and watched Madara leave through the window. I sighed to myself in happiness but also in worry as I got up to shower myself and start the day.

When I scurried down the hall to the bathroom, suddenly I felt the familiar, tight, frightening grip on my arm. I turned around and I saw him.

My blood ran cold...

"Ichiro..." I whispered under my breath in pure horror.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU DOING!" He snapped at me, throwing me against the wall painfully hard and grabbing my throat. Not tight enough to stop me from breathing but tight enough to scare and threaten me.

"I-Ichiro I can explain!" I stuttered in horror and fear as I looked at him and his enraged face.

"Oh you don't need to explain a damn thing to me!" He snapped at me, grabbing a vase on a bookshelf next to me and slamming it to the ground by my feet in a rage.

I broke down crying in fear...

"Pathetic good for nothing woman, your lucky you have me, otherwise you'd be dead and so would that bastard's child! I know he was here!"

He pushed me harder against the wall before letting go, and letting me fall to the floor. I landed on my butt sobbing before he walked away in anger, turning back to look me "When will you learn?!", he scowled. "Maybe, when you can't see Madara anymore you will learn to appreciate ME!", he screamed. "You wouldn't hurt Madara!", I screamed finally finding my voice.

Ichiro, looked at me enraged. "You still haven't learned! You still defend that idiot!", he took a step toward me, and I backed away feeling threatened. "He's a better man, than you'll ever be!", I blurted out in anger.

This time I was prepared to defend myself and my unborn baby. I tried to use my wood style on him and instantly discovered pregnancy had made me too weak. I tried again, feeling dizzier and weaker for trying. Ichiro, became even more enraged as he knew I was trying to fight back and walked up quickly with a fury of anger and raised his hand to me again.

I heard his hand hit my face, this time harder and more forcefully then before. I felt myself lose my balance and fall backward as my head suddenly hit the wall behind me. It was there, on the floor that I laid with pain throbbing in my head and my face left burning in the place his hand had violently hit me.

I was dizzy, weak, and scared when I began to get tunnel vision. I knew I was about to pass out; I could feel it and I didn't have the strength to fight back. I began to lose consciousness, but before I did, Ichiro came up to me, like the bastard he was, and tried to kick me.

I reached out my hand and grabbed his ankle, causing him to trip and fall hard on the floor. He was enraged and seething with fury now, but he was sore and stunned.

"You need to be taught a lesson you stupid girl!". Ichiro mumbled angrily before he got up and came over to me.
Ichiro's angry hands began to pick me up. What was happening to me?! I was silent, limp, weak and terrified!

Everything went black and I felt myself lose consciousness......

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