If only you could see

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8 years had passed and the Senju and Uchiha were still at war with each other. The warring states period would never end they thought, until recently......

Hanarei's POV:

I was at home and was making dinner. My twin and little brother had set out to war again and I was stuck not being able to help because I was a little "girl".

This obviously pissed me off, I mean come on?! Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I'm useless! There's more to me than cooking and cleaning.

And the Uchiha where still at war with the Senju, and for what? A trophy?

Hashirama had been nagging Madara for a peace treaty for a few years now but he kept denying it. Maybe if I was there I would be able to convince him. I mean there was a point we where really close friends, closer than Hashirama and I even!

Since I was younger I always liked Madara, he was fun to talk to and hang out with. And part of me thinks that he had a crush on me when he was younger but I could never tell, he was just too hard to read.

My elder brother became the head of the clan after our father died so if he didn't want me going to war, that was that, there was no point in arguing with him.

But today when they come home I'm going to push Hashirama so hard that he'll have no choice but to let me go, there would be no butts about it! I was done being the one to stay home and not help! I was done being here scared they would get hurt or even die! I was over it and wanted in the war! I wanted to help!

Another reason why I wanted to go to war so bad was to show the Uchiha who was boss.
I had recently discovered that I had wood style like my brother and wanted to show him and everyone in a surprising matter.

A few hours had passed and Hashirama and Tobirama walked through the front door. This was my chance to ask how their day went and tell them what I wanted.

"So....how did your guys day go?" I asked drinking my cup of green tea.

"Madara still wont except my peace treaty, no matter how hard I try! And I've tried everything!" Hashirama stated as he sat down next to me.

"How about you Tobirama?"


"Ok, guess it wasn't the best day huh." I responded looking away.

"Why you don't say!" Tobirama snarked back at me.

"Hey don't talk to your elder sister like that!"

"Enough fighting you two! I already experienced enough of that for one day." Hashirama said getting up to grab himself tea as well.

"Hashirama I have a question..."

"If its about you going to war the answer is no." He looked at me with a side eye.

"What if I wanted to ask how Madara looks now?" I nervously laughed.

"Highly doubt it Hanarei... you've been nagging me about going to war for a year! Don't think I don't know your question by now." He took a sip of his tea.

"Come on Hashirama I'm an adult now! You can't possibly do this to me!"

"Oh yes I can! Before father died he told me to take care of you!"

"So your idea of keeping us safe is letting our YOUNGER brother go to war! Some brother you are!" I crossed my arms.

"Hey your a woman! All your good at is cooking and cleaning, thats it! Besides you weren't the one who had to save you when you where on your death bed dying because you got a vital blow to your side, by a kunai!" Hashirama slammed his cup on the table.

"All you see me good for is cooking and cleaning!? What's wrong with you!? Why can't you see that I'm stronger now!!!"



"I'm sorry Hanarei but I can't see you get hurt again! Even if that means if I have to put up a wood barrier around the house! Please leave me alone I had a rough day and almost got stabbed in the heart by a susano."

"UHHH, YOUR THE WORST! I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN IN THIS CURSED WORLD!" I ran to my room with a single tear running down my face.

If only he could see just how much stronger I've gotten since then. I thought as I layed on my futon trying not to cry.

If he won't let me in the war, I'll just have to sneak my way in!

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