I Will Never Leave You

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I was cold...Everything was dark. Where was I?  The only light I had was moonlight shining through a few unfamiliar windows.  I recognized sounds of crickets and a occasional owl in the distance.

I had been set on a futon and left alone.  I pushed a light-weight, tan, blanket off of myself and I sat up to look around.  My body was sore and bruised.  It hurt to move.

As I looked around, my heart was pounding anxiously, as I tried to make sense of where I was and what had happened.  The walls and floors, and all my surroundings were wooden.  Was I in a log cabin? I looked around more and confirmed my suspicion, even though it was pitch dark out with nothing but moonlight to help me.

In the back of the room, I noticed an oil lamp in the moonlight.  I struggled to get to my feet and to stand up.  I was in pain, but I wanted the lamp turned on. I felt bruises all over my arms, legs, and back, and I assumed my face was bruised as well, because it also throbbed. As I slowly reached the lamp, I turned it on, and that is when I noticed a Uzumaki seal surrounding the whole entire structure.  Now that I was standing closer to the window, I looked outside the window of the cabin to notice I was in the middle of nowhere...Nothing but thick forest, and  pine trees surrounded me.  No roads, no noticeable paths, no recognizable signs...My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest as I panicked.  I was utterly alone. 

"NO! NO! NO! NO!" I screeched in fear, anger, hopelessness. What if no one noticed I was gone? What if I would die here?

"HELP! PLEASE ANYONE HELP ME! HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before feeling quite dizzy again. There was no one around to hear my desperate screams.  Only trees, and darkness of a night sky surrounded me.

I was hopeless....I couldn't break out. 

Ichiro, had found a way to trap me, like an animal and to isolate me from everyone I loved and everything familiar I had known. I  backed myself against the wall, as I began sobbing and sunk down to the floor. There, sitting on the floor I laid down in fetal position, curled up and cried myself to sleep, still thinking of, and painfully missing Madara.

I dreamt of Madara coming to save me. He was in his red, samurai armor and he kicked down the door looking at me. "Don't worry Hanarei we'll get you out of here!" He proclaimed picking me up bridal style. Out of nowhere Ichiro showed up.  The two men stared at each other for a good minute with intense anger before drawing their swords.  Ichiro, charged towards me before Madara could protect me and stabbed me in my heart! A blood curdling scream could be heard from Madara, as he watched it happen, in despair.

"HANAREI!" HANAREI! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" Madara cried running towards me as I began to bleed out and die, from the vital hit.

I jumped awake. I sat up and glanced out the window. "It's just a dream, it's just a dream...", I repeated to myself as I sat up still trembling.  I wished the cabin and everything else was a dream too.  As I glanced back at the window again, I was happy for a moment, as I realized that the morning sun had replaced the darkness.  But, the happiness was temporary as every noise I heard outside startled me, and left my in paralyzing fear that Ichiro, could come at any moment.  Every twig snap, and every squirrel that skittered too close to the cabin now terrified me.

I listened closely again, as I thought I heard something.  In the distance I heard the crunching of branches and twigs and footsteps coming closer to the cabin!  It was much too big sounding to be squirrels!  Was it a deer?  I hoped it wasn't Ichiro! 

I heard voices of men.  I stood up quickly, trembling and terrified and looked for something to use to protect myself from Ichiro.  I grabbed the lamp next to me from that night and clutched onto it. I would throw it, or hit him with it, I thought...

The voices and footsteps came closer, and became louder...

"HANAREI CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" That same calling from Madara in my dream, could be heard.  I rubbed my eyes. Was I hallucinating?  I stood quietly unsure if I could trust my own senses now...

Was I still dreaming? No I.....wait....

"MADARA?!" I called out just to be sure.

"HANAREI! OH MY GOD YOUR OK!" I heard the voices of three men by the door and relief washed over me.

Next thing I knew, I saw the sealing technique go away and diminish and loud banging on the door ended with the door being kicked open quickly. 

To my relief,  I saw both Madara and Hashirama standing there!

"Hanarei!" Madara yelled, as they both ran up to me and hugged me. Tobirama  stood watching from a distance as he had finished undoing the seal and then began walking over to us.

"H-how did you guys know?" I whimpered as I snuggled into Madara's arms.

"Well we noticed you weren't at the Uzumaki clan so I came out to the forest and looked for you." Madara said softly.

"BIG HEADED IDIOT! You wouldn't have been able to find her without my sensory skills!" Tobirama yelled, with a knowing grin.

"Nimrod! Shut up! Im having a moment with my love!" Madara snapped back as the two got into an argument. 

"Ummm Im taking it you all worked together to find me?" I giggled looking at Hashirama.

"Yes....these two where fighting the whole time." Hashirama sighed.

I laughed, at the idea of the two of them trying to work together..."That must have been amusing!", I said looking over at Hahirama.  "You have no idea...", he answered back sarcastically.  "They fought like cats and dogs the ENTIRE time".  I tried not to laugh.

Madara, backed up and took a good look at me.  "What did he do to you?! " Madara, said loudly while looking at me.  "Your covered in bruises!" he shouted.  "Ichiro, is a monster!", Madara snapped in anger. 

I hung my head, and began to sob.  "I thought, I was going to die here!  I thought I would never see you again because you couldn't find me...you would have to give up...", I said sobbing and barely able to talk past the sobbing.

"What? NO!", Madara said softly lifting my chin back up with his finger he looked me in the eyes.  "Look at me, Hanarei.", he said with stern seriousness.  "I will NEVER leave you, and I will NEVER give up on you!".  I stopped sobbing for a moment, and my eyes met his stare.  "Okay.", I fumbled to say, still shaken by emotion.

"No, Hanarei..." Madara, said even more sternly and seriously this time.  "Look at me!".  I looked back into his soulful, deep brown eyes.  "I will NEVER leave you!", he repeated.  I recognized the seriousness, in which he was trying to get my attention.

"I promise you!",  Madara looked intensely at me..."I will NEVER leave you!".  I looked back at him with a seriousness I could feel he meant, and nodded my head in agreement.  "I will NEVER leave you!" he repeated again.....


I Will Protect You || {Madara x oc}Where stories live. Discover now