The Stream and The Boy

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Since day one Hashirama always looked out for his twin sister, Hanarei. He is older than her by three minutes and is the oldest child out of his siblings.
Hashirama and Hanarei are the two oldest, Tobirama is the youngest. They had had two other brothers whose names went by Kawarama and Itama but they sadly passed in war.

Hashirama and his brother where placed in war at a very young age. Right when they would turn 6 they would begin training for the upcoming war and would eventually have to join it.

Of course Hashirama hated this, he thought it was unfair that these children would have to be placed in such dangerous situations at such a young age over adult problems! He would rather play tag with his siblings and read them a book than go to war. All he wanted was for his siblings to be safe.

It was a cold October day and it was Hashirama's and Hanarei's 12th birthday. The wind was ever so lightly flowing across the forest as both twins thought up a plan, making their way outside. They both made up there mind that they where going to their favorite spot since they where very little, the stream of water by their compound. They came up with a game that morning and couldn't wait to play the game they just came up with.

"Ok elder brother! Whoever can skip the rock across the river first wins and the loser gets thrown into the stream!" Hanarei declared as they jumped from tree branch to tree branch, the wind ever so lightly blowing on her short brown stick straight hair as they went to their favorite spot. The sun barely shining on her beautiful brown hazelnut eyes as they jumped.

"Really?! Thrown into the water? I don't know if father would like that Hanarei. Imagine if you lost the challenge and got thrown in? Father would be very mad at you for coming home soaking wet and with the possibility of getting a cold." Hashirama questioned as his brown short hair flew in the wind as well.

"Well that's why I won't lose! I'll just have to try extra hard to get the rock across this time." Hanarei smirked as she tripped on a tree branch, the light barely shining on her face as the sun was covered with a bit of clouds.

"Shhh! I think I sense someone." Hashirama whispered as he came to a quick stop and hid behind the tree. Hanarei quickly stopped talking and did the same, her heart feeling a bit worried as she looked at her older brother.

It was a boy that looked around their age with short black raven hair and a bluish grayish yukata on.
He was at there usual spot skipping a rock and looking at his hand in disappointment as he failed to do such a simple task.

"Hanarei you stay here, I'm gonna go talk to that boy. He seems very nice and maybe we can teach him how to skip stones and we can become best of friends." Hashirama sheepishly smiled.

"Are you crazy! He could be enemy for all we know! What if its a trap and they end up killing you!"Hanarei half whispered to her brother.

"Nah it'll be fine! I promise." Hashirama stated as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

" Remember what father said! You should never keep promises, especially ones you don't know you can keep. And what your thinking of doing is going against all the compound rules Hashirama!" Hanarei yelled.

" I'm just going to say hi, I wont introduce my last name if that makes you feel any better." Hashirama jumped off the tree branch, landing on the old dirt path.

" uhhhh......Fine! But if you die today I'm not going to go pick up your dead corpse!" Hanarei crossed her arms as she watched  her brother go say hi to this random kid.

Hanarei loved her older brother dearly, but sometimes he could be really stupid! Why would he ever think of doing that? Does he have that much faith in the world?!
With that thought in her mind she decided to go with her brother just in case this was all a trap and she could help him fight off the enemy and get backup to go get help from the other Senju.

"Wait for me elder brother! Hanarei jumped down from the tree.

Hashirama walked up to the boy and immediately started talking to him.

" If you just aim a little bit higher and get enough momentum going you'll have an easier time with getting the rock to skip" Hashirama stated as he picked up a rock and skipped it across the stream of water.

"Who are you?" The boy asked with a cold frightening tone.

"Names Hashirama! And that's my twin sister over their Hanarei." Hashirama gave a cheeky grin.

"Nice to meet you Hashirama and Hanarei, my name is Madara."

" Nice to meet you too!" The twins said in synchronization

"Do you two always do that?" Madara tilted his head

"Sometimes but not always" Hashirama shyly smiled

"Sorry if me and my brother annoy you, but if you have a problem with us your the one who needs to leave." Hanarei stepped in front of her brother.

"I didn't mean it as an insult, I just thought it was cool. Anyway I better head back before I get in trouble, talk to you two later." Madara waved as he jumped into a tree to get back home.

"HANAREI YOU SCARED HIM OFF!" Hashirama looked annoyed at his sister.

"No I didn't, he just needed to head back home before he got in trouble. We should probably do the same too elder brother before we get in trouble." Hanarei coldly replied.

Hanarei wasn't going to lie, she thought Madara was kinda cute. Of course she would never admit that she liked a stranger she just met, but it was fun teaching him how to skip stones and seeing him get angry at Hashirama.

A few weeks had passed since they had last seen Madara and they carried on with their lives... That was until they met Madara again at the stream of water and started chatting about the war and their future dreams of peace.

"Turns out he feels the same way we do about the war elder brother." Hanarei said walking with her brother to go home.

" Yeah it feels nice to finally have someone to talk to about that kinda thing!" Hashirama smiled

"Hashirama, Hanarei ,father wants you to come home immediately! He wants to talk to you about something." Tobirama said jumping down from a tree.

"You were spying on us Tobirama?" Hashirama questioned feeling a bit hurt by their younger brother.

"Yes, father sent me to watch you guys to see where you were going." Tobirama crossed his arms.

What if father found out about the boy they had been talking to!? This really wasn't good!
Both Hashirama and Hanarei thought as they started to head back to the Senju compound.

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