Against my Will

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As I sat down respectfully for tea, my mind was racing and my heart was pounding. Another elder spoke up. "It has come to our attention that you are with child." He said sternly.

I hung my head quietly, afraid to answer. "But, how did you know?" I whispered quietly. "We have our ways. There are no secrets from the elders." The elderly gentleman said in disapproval. He had been around a long time and was strict about proper traditions and rituals. I could tell he had little patience for me.

Suddenly, I remembered the shadow in the garden I had seen the other day, and the sound of footsteps running off. It all made sense now. Someone, had heard.

My pregnancy was not a secret anymore...

"Madara and I are planning to marry. I won't disrespect our clan. I promise." The elderly man looked enraged. "You have already dishonored us!" He shouted. "Now you WILL do what you are told! A woman like yourself has no business trying to raise a proper family with someone like him" he scoffed. His face looked sour with disrespect for Madara. I felt ashamed and angered at his response.

Madara was the love of my life.

"We have arranged for you to marry" Said the elder. "The wedding is in 3 weeks.". "Okay." I agreed. "Madra and I will make plans quickly".

"We have all decided you will have an arranged marriage." The elders in the room all nodded their heads in agreement. I looked around speechless. I felt powerless over what was about to happen to my own life! "This is Ichiro. My grandson" The elderly woman from the walk said.

"He is your fiance now".

My blood ran cold..."NO!". I stood up. Several of the elders stood up suddenly as well. "SIT DOWN!" I was commanded. I sat down and began to sob. "I love Madara!" I screamed. "That is over now!" An elder shouted. "It's time for you to grow up! You've made choices that have forced us to do this! You will NOT disrespect the village or our clan and you will do as you are told!" I sobbed bitterly. "Have we made ourselves clear?!" The elder shouted.

Ichiro, stood handsome as ever with his dark red hair and brown eyes. But in that moment he was ugly, and I hated him! He had a smug smile on his face and a selfish energy about him. I felt like a piece of property now. Ichiro's toy or prize and he was smug and prideful that he had 'won' me; even at the expense of my own happiness.

"Don't worry", Ichiro said. "I will raise your bastard child and we can go on to have 'real' children of our own. You're lucky you have me."

Everything he said made me want to vomit. I was feeling lightheaded. I suppose that will happen when your soul is injured.

The second I got out of that Uzumaki residence, I ran to the Uchiha compound and burst into Madara's house.

"MADARA! We need to talk!" I shouted in worry and panic. Madara quickly came to the front door and saw me and my tear stained cheeks. "What's the matter love? Why are you crying?" He hugged me softly.

"Madara I've been put in an arranged marriage with one of the elders grandson, Ichiro Uzumaki" I whimpered and then proceeded to bawl in his shoulder. "THEY'VE WHAT?!" he looked stunned, heart broken, and dazed. "They can't do that! Your hokage! Give them a piece of your mind! No way in hell I'm letting someone else raise MY child!"

"Well they just have, and the wedding is in 3 weeks..." I muttered.

"I'm going to put a stop to this!" Madara, said angrily. "I don't care if they are elders. I won't let this happen!"
Madara stormed out of the house and slammed the door behind him. "Where are you going?!" I called after him. "Stay here!" Madara demanded. "I'm going to get Hashirama and we are paying the elders a visit!"

I watched Madara storm off angrily and I held back for a few moments, wanting to appease him by staying, but my concern for what might happen to Madara overwhelmed me, and so I snuck out behind to watch.

Hidden in the tree-line beside the village I followed along and watched.  Madara went and got Hashirama and angrily updated him before he also left in a rage with him.  It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Uzumaki compound and at the door of the elders, where he began aggressively pounding on the door.  "Open, the door!  Stop being cowards and face me!"..."Open the door!" He shouted enraged. 

Suddenly the door swung open and several of the elders stood in the doorway.  "You're wasting your time! Go home Madara!".  The elders looked sternly back at him. Hashirama, spoke up "Who do you think you are?  My sister deserves to be treated better than this!".

An elderly man stepped forward, "What your sister deserves, is a better life than someone like Madara can give her!  If you want to blame someone, it's Madara who caused this mess to begin with.  It's us, elders who are fixing it!" The elderly man stepped to the side and I saw Ichiro come forward.  "You are just a sad, poor, pathetic excuse of a man.  Do her a favor, and remove yourself from her life. She's better off without you!"  Ichiro stood angrily and smiled his famous smug smile.  "I have honor, and wealth and status on my side.  She would miss you, like a dog misses fleas!", he laughed arrogantly.

Hashirama, held Madara back as Madara lunged forward toward Ichiro in anger as his shiaringan was activated.  "Don't do it, Madara! He's not worth losing your reputation to..." Hashirama said struggling to hold him back.

The door slammed shut in Madara's face. He was left standing in the cold night air enraged, confused and upset.  Madara turned to Hashirama, "I don't know how to fix this...Unless, we run away.  I don't know how to fix this..." Madara muttered a second time. 

Hashirama looked lost. 

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