Chapter Eighteen { Fill in chapter}

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    All of a sudden, all the birds in our surrounding started screeching and flying in different directions. In the process, one fell close to our feet

" What's going on " I asked in confusion. I had a feeling deep down that I wouldn't like what was coming our way.


It's been two days, two freaking days since we last saw Eva and Mika. Everybody has been feeling restless ever since especially Anaxagoras. His den lay in shambles, furniture shattered, walls cracked. Anaxagoras' rage was palpable, his usually calm demeanor replaced by desperation. Mr. Almond's worried expression deepened as he whispered, 'Eva's in grave danger.'

The Dean called for an emergency meeting with all the teachers early in the morning and this afternoon, they gathered all of us together to discuss battle strategy.

The least concerned of us is Mitchell, whom I saw sneaking into campus in the wee hours of the night with a black eye. Mitchell's black eye seemed more than just a coincidence. Her furtive glances and nervous twitching betrayed her nonchalant demeanor. I recalled whispers of her family's dark past, and a shiver ran down my spine. Was Mitchell more involved in Mika and Eva's disappearance than I thought?"

I just hope they are ok wherever they are.


Hi guys decided to update a fill in chapter while I'm still thinking on what to write.. lol.

On a happier note, Today's my birthday.. yay🎉
And.... That's all I have to say for now byeeee


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