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                               { chapter one }

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  { chapter one }

Sarah groans when she hears her alarm clock.

Today is her first day of her second year in Alfea. She was happy the she didn't was a first year anymore.

She went to her bathroom to get a quick shower and brushing her teeth. She put a yellow, shoulder free top on with an white jeans shorts on.

She put quickly her 'S' necklace on that her twin has given her. She wears it every day.

Sarah went downstairs after getting ready for the day.

"good morning, honey." Saul smiled while walking over to her and pulling her into a side hug and kissing her on her head.

"good morning, dad." she said hugging him back.

"Come on Sarah I don't want to be late at first day." Sky said while grabbing his backpack.

"I'm coming." Sarah said while walking towards him.

"Did you seriously choose pink as your first day back shirt choice?" Sarah said to her twin.

"Shut up." Sky rolled his eyes. "And it's not pink. It's red."

"Yeah right." Sarah chuckled.

"So who's the lucky first year you have to show around?" Sky changed the subject.

Sarah sighed as she pulled up her notes on her phone to read to her twin the name. "Musa, it didn't make sense that she's assigned to me when I'm a Specialist and not a fairy."

"They assigned you a fairy?"

"Yup." Sarah said, popping the p.

"Hm. Strange." Sky said, not really invested in the conversation because a certain redhead caught his attention.

Sarah followed her twin's eyes. "Stop starring."

"What?" Sky snapped out of his trace as he looked at his twin.

"You're staring."

"No I'm not."

"Yeah right, just don't forget you have already a girlfriend, remember?" Sarah said, while giving him this look.

"Catch you later." Sky ran off. Sarah chuckled as she watched the interaction between her twin and a first year.

"Thought he had a girlfriend? Or did he leave the princess already." Sarah rolled her eyes when she heard a too familiar voice.

"You have to know, you're his best friend."

"And you're his twin." Riven smirked at the girl.

"Bye Riven." The girl walked away from the boy.

"What? Don't I get a welcome kiss?"

Sarah flipped him off as she went in front of the entrance to find Musa to show her around.

Musa was a mind fairy. She's obviously not very into talking. She was wearing her headphones most of the time to not hear the other thoughts of the people around her. Sarah wasn't mad about it she could see it relieved her wearing them.

"Common room is where 99% of the party's are held." She said walking through the many students looking lost.

"Party's?" Musa asked.

Sarah nodded. "Yes. You don't party?"

Musa shook her head slowly. "It's not that. It's um.. sometimes it's just overwhelming trying to have fun with all hearing others minds or emotions."

Sarah nodded. "Still I hope to see you sometimes."

"We will see." Musa smiled.

Musa liked Sarah, she was different then the others. Normally, people would find her weird because of the headphones, but Sarah accepted it without asking questions and she liked that.

Sarah smiled back. "Well this is your room.
Remember just cause I'm a Specialist and you're a fairy, doesn't mean I won't be here for you if you need anything."

"Thank you." Musa said to the girl before she left to walk to the specialist building and to her room.

The girl was lucky there weren't many female specialists, so their rooms were bigger than for the fairies.

This year she was sharing again a room with one of her best friends, Freya. She was also a specialist and a pretty good one too.

And just like that, her second year was starting.

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