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                               { chapter two }

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{ chapter two }

Sarah and Freya are training until Freya lays down on the floor

"Do we have to continue?" Freya complained. "This is so hard."

Sarah chuckled. "C'mon get up."

"No, the floor is too comfortable." Freya said while she closed her eyes, still laying on the floor.

"But what about the training."

"You know that I love you S, but please don't be so hard on us, it's just the first day so let me breath." Sarah rolled her eyes but eventually joined her friend on the ground as they gazed at the sky. It was silence for a while until the girl said, "You know you never told me why you ignore Riven."

Sarah sighed, not really in the mood to talk about it. "It's nothing."

"Sarah, it's so obviously. I know you for tagt to well that something is off with you about him." Freya confessed as she looked at her friend. She could tell the girl was in deep thought about whatever it is she was thinking about. And no doubt it was about Riven.

"Sarah!" They heard someone say. The girl turned her head to see her twin. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Relax brother, we're just making a little break." Sarah rolled her eyes, getting off the floor. "What do you want?"

"I need your help with the whole Stella thing."
Sky said, becoming more quiet when he mentioned the girl's name.

"Frey knows about it, you don't have to whisper." Sarah chuckled.

"Do you need to tell her everything?"

"Not everything." Freya added.

"I'lI tell you it another time." Sarah said looking at her best friend.

"Ok let's go." With that the twins set off to the girl's suite. But they were stopped by Silva, handing them both a sword.


Sarah sighed as she got into position. She hated when Silva did this. Her twin started her attack on her, which she defended. The girl kicked the boy in the stomach which he wasn't too happy about so he attacked to her left, which she blocked but was surprised when her twin landed an elbow to hit her chest. Sky raised his sword the same time as Sarah raised hers causing both of them to look at each other.
Before the boy knew it the girl kicked his leg and dropped his sword. Sky grunted but recovered quickly as he grabbed the knife in his suit, preparing to attack before the girl quickly used her leg to pick up the sword on the floor and shielding herself.

Sky chuckled as he wasn't expecting her to do that so quickly. "Well played."

"Can anyone tell me what they just witnessed here?" Silva asked the first years. Nobody dared to raise their hands.

"A hot girl kicking a dude's ass." Someone said, causing the group to laugh.

"You're lucky it isn't you." Silva said to the boy angry. "When you're here, you'll quickly learn if you're an attacker, a defender, or both. What you just saw is two of the best second year Specialists Alfea has to offer. They attack, they defend, and they think quickly. If you want to be the best in your year, that is the expectation."

Sarah was a little bit shocked to hear Silva praised them like that. She knew her and Sky were good specialist, but to be called the best one in second year, that boosted the girl's ego a little too much.

"Sky and Sarah's father was Andreas of Eraklyon. That made them a legacy admission, but they still showed up on the first day and did the work. Well done." Silva said to the twins, shaking both of their hands. Sarah smiled and walked away with Sky.

"Can you believe it? Silva just actually complemented us." Sky said.

Sarah chuckled. "I know. It feels good to be the best Specialists."

"I guess the man does have emotions."

"Do you want to move in her for ever?" Sky laughed. He lost count of how many boxes the girl made him bring in.

Sarah shrugged. "You know that I can't decide which clothes and stuff I wanted to bring back so I brought them all."

Sky rolled his eyes. "That can go back home because you never gonna wear it." The boy picked up a white corset.

"Nope, I like it." The girl said, snatching it away from her twin to put in the drawer.

"Fine but you're not wearing that piece of fabric to a party where are boys including."

"So you and Stella?" The girl stopped the boy from another complaining about her clothes.

Sky sighed, taking a seat on the girl's bed. "Do I like her, yes. We had something that was fun but, I don't know. It's complicated. With her it's always complicated. It's like she doesn't know how to love someone else other than herself."

"I know." Sarah sighed.

"She wants to get back together, but— but I don't know."

"Do you want to get back together?" Sarah asked him.

"Naked true?" The girl nodded.


Sarah sighed as she walked towards the boy, sitting down next to him. "You must really love her then."

"I don't know if I love her, like really love her. I do like her."


"I just feel like she's using me for my connection or of who our father is."

Sarah nodded as she listened to her twin. "Did you told her that?"

"Yes and you wanna know what her response was?" Sky chuckled. "Don't say that. I love you for you. I could have anyone here but I chose you because I love you. Funny how ironic that is."

Sarah never had anything against Stella. Sure she was a spoiled brat who whined when things didn't go her way, but she saw how happy her twin was. And all she ever wanted was for him to be happy. They've already been through so much, the least that could happen for him to have someone who can be there for him and love him as much as she did. But she must admit, Stella only cared about herself. She didn't care who went down with her, as long as she got what she wanted, she didn't care.

"But you're still holding on the memories you made with her." Sky nodded. "I get that and you probably still holding on the Stella that made you fall in love with her and that's okay. "

"But that's the thing Sarah, I don't know if I love her like the real her or the one that manipulated me in doing so much shit for her."

Sarah didn't know what to say so she pulled him into a hug. The boy immediately wrapped his hands around the girl's figure. She stroked his hair, trying to calm in down as she heard some cries. She hated seeing her brother being sad.
He didn't deserve it.

"Maybe it's now the sign to let go and move on?"

"Yeah maybe."

After their parents passed away, they really only had each other. They always had each other's back. And no matter what happens, they knew they would always be there for one another.

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