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                              { chapter three }

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                              { chapter three }

Sarah was helping a friend on their fights skills while Riven was looking at her from the distance.

He didn't know why Sarah has this effect on him or why he couldn't get ride out his feelings towards her.

He always has this feeling to protect her and look after her.

She was different then other girls, she was perfect in his eyes. She was the most stunning and kindest person he ever knew.

But she probably thinks he hates her just because he's trying to hide his feelings for her while being mean to her.

But that's Riven when he has feelings for someone he just pushes the person and those feelings away. He's scared that he would lose her.

"Spying on mytwin I see." Sky now stands next to him looking at his sister.

"I'm not."

"I can see that your feelings towards her are still there." Sky knew now for a long time that his best friend has a crush on his twin. He always thought that when Riven finally tells her how he fells that she would change him to an better person. Because he knew that this bad boy side was just a mask to hide his true feelings.

"That's never gonna happen and you know that." He said a little bit sad.

"I don't understand why your so scared about your feelings."

"We both know that she deserves someone better and I can't stand the fact to know that I'm gonna fuck up like always."

"You can't know this Riven."

"Yeah i can. Come on let's begin with the training." Riven said while walking away.

Sky just shakes his head because of his best friends stubbornness.

Sarah chuckled as she heard Freya tell a group of first year specialists her first training practice.

"Yeah like how the hell was I supposed to know that I would be fighting against someone at my first day." Freya explained. "So there I was, standing there like a total idiot. I totally embarrassed myself in front of this really hot guy."

"He wasn't even hot." Sarah chuckled.

"The hot guy was her twin. Of course he wouldn't be hot to you." Freya pointed to Sarah. "And now I get to see him often."

Sarah rolled her eyes. "So that's the only reason why we're friends?"

"One of them, yes."

Sarah shook her head laughing. "I'm getting my self a drink."

The girl left to go find the drinks. But she got distracted when she saw a crowd of people. She walked towards it, pushing some people away as she made it to the front to see what everyone was looking at.

Her eyes widened.

There she saw Terra use her magic to choke her twins best friend. She quickly ran towards them.

"Terra. Terra! Stop."

The Earth fairy didn't stop. "Huh? Sorry?"

"Terra!" Sarah yelled as she watched the boy struggle to breathe.

"What was that Riv? I'm sure it's really funny but I can't quite hear it." Terra said before stopping her magic as she released Riven.

"You could have killed me, you freak." Riven said, pointing his finger at the fairy.

"Missed you too. " Terra smiled at the boy.

Riven scoffed and walked away.

The girl decided to chase after the boy.


"Leave me alone."

Sarah was fast enough to stood in front of him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I just helped you out."

"I don't need your help."

"Yeah sure looked like it. And why are so mean to me? I did nothing to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Since you're best friends with my brother your just being rude to me for no reasons. And I just want to know why?"

"That's not true."

"Oh really? Because before you were friends with him you were really kind to me when we were partners at training and I though that we were friends. What has changed?"

"I have to go." Riven said while walking away.

Sarah stopped him while grabbing his hand. "Why can't you answer my question?"

Riven just looks at her and was nearly ready to tell her the truth but he couldn't.

"I see. You're just like every other guy here."

And with that she walks back.

He just waches her walk away.

When Terra sees Sarah she goes immediately towards her.

"Look I know it looked bad but I wasn't gonna kill him." Terra tried telling the girl.

Sarah nodded. "I know but- but just don't do it again alright?" Terra nodded.

Terra smiled smiled at her respond. Tera always thought that Sarah was the kindest person she knows as a Specialist.

"And who are ?." The blonde asked, looking at the boy who looked awfully familiar.

"Hi. I'm Dane." The boy stuck out his hand which the girl shook.

"Sarah." The boy held her hand a little too long. "You were the first year specialist that got his ass kicked by Silva, didn't you?"

"Oh I am?" Dane asked, surprised such a stunning girl like Sarah remembered him.

Sarah just shrugged. "Could be you, could not be you. My memory sucks."

"I was there when you and Sky spared."

"Ah, that."Sarah nodded.

"Is that your boyfriend?" The boy asked. She didn't know why that question made her laugh so hard. Anyone can tell they were twins. But then again Sky was dating someone who has blonde hair like Sarah.

Sarah chuckled a little bit too hard, thinking the boy was joking, he wasn't. "Oh you were serious." The boy continued to stare at her, a little too much for Sarah's liking. "No, Sky is my brother. Twin brother actually."

"Oh great." Dane smiled. He didn't know why he felt relieved when he heard that.

Sarah looked at Terra because she got a little bit uncomfortable from the boy. "Well I'll won't interrupt you guys any longer."

With that the blonde walked away. There was something about Dane who didn't sit right with her or maybe she was just overreacting.

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