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                                                       { chapter eight }

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{ chapter eight }

Sarah didn't get too far. She ended up walking to a shady looking building. She was too much in her own thoughts, that she doesn't care what this place was. Sarah has always her trustworthy knife with her, so nothing could go wrong.

She walked inside and heard someone talking. She wrinkled her eyebrows, confused as to who would be in here. She rounded the corner and saw her twin.

"Sky?" Sarah asked and then saw the other figure behind him. "Bloom?"

"Sarah? What are you doing here?" Sky asked.
He hasn't been doing a good job being there for the girl. He's just been preoccupied with a certain red head.

"I needed some air. What brings you guys here?"

"I need some answers." Bloom said, looking through some files.


"I was born in 2004. Keep your eyes peeled for anything from then." Bloom explained, causing the girl to be even more confused.

"I don't understand."

"Can you just please help Sar?"

Sarah sighed and nodded as she made her way to an old box with a bunch of pictures in it.

"Not sure we're gonna find pictures of pregnant teen fairies Bloom." Sky said.

"Might be a little more subtle than that, like loose clothes, big sweaters, a girl holding a stack of books over her stomach." Bloom said causing the boy to snicker. "Look if you're going to judge, kindly join the rest of the students and do it behind my back."

"What are they judging you about?" Sarah asked.

"You didn't hear?" Sarah shook her head as the girl continued. "I'm a changeling and apparently those are dangerous and even though I don't even know if I am or what even that is so I just need some answers right now."

"Hm." Sarah nodded. She read about changelings, but never really knew one until now. "My bet it that this was the dumbest trio for starting that rumor." Sarah said annoyed.

"Who?" Bloom chuckled.

"Beatrix, Dane, and Riven."

"Why do you think that?" Sky asked.

"Have you not seen the video?" Sarah asked.

"Oh shit." Bloom's eyes widened. "Fuck. I'm sorry Sarah. What he said was out of line and once I find out what I am capable of, I'll show him that he cannot talk about you like that." Bloom hugged the girl.

"Thanks Bloom." Sarah said returning the gesture.

"As much as I don't want to ruin your guy's moment." Sky said, holding up a picture frame.
"Look." The boy showed the girls an old picture.
"I didn't know this existed."

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