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                                { chapter ten }

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                                { chapter ten }

The first exercise the girls blew by quickly.
Defence combat was always Sarah's speciality. She can always read her opponent like an open book. It's like she was always 10 steps ahead of what the next step they would do. 99% of the time it worked in her favor. And what was even better was that Terra picked up quickly on how the girl moved. She knew exactly when to bring out the vines.

The second exercise was sticks combat which the girl handle easily. If anything her knife skills were a lot better. She was still learning, but she was a hell a lot better fighter at it then last year.

Sarah watched as Riven hit the floor for the billionth time today. They were in the same group, traveling together to each exercise. It was hard being near him. He gave her the space she asked for. But did she really need it? Did she really need time to know what she wanted?

Because she already knew what she wanted. She wanted to be with Riven.

Riven groaned, getting back up to fight only for Silva to say, "Next group. Sarah, Terra, let's go." Sarah and Terra walked onto the platform.
Sarah picked up a set of sticks as Terra got into position. "Ready. Fight."

Sarah gave Silva a quick smile before she started her attack. The girl was always known more as an attacker than a defender. She would attack 90% of the time while the 10% were defending the opponent's attacks. This time was no different. The fake simulations of a Burned Ones defended her attack as she kicked him backwards with her stick. He fell back as he tried attacking again, this time the girl landed a punch in the stomach.

He was about to use his power until Terra used her power to hold it back giving Sarah the perfect opportunity to stab him in the heart.

"Enough. Well done Sarah and Terra. Nice team work." Silva said to the girls. "Next."

Riven felt like shit. He was too distracted with his life to focus. Watching Sarah made him think. He knew the girl was a good fighter, but this was another side he has never seen before.
Her footwork was flawless, her moves were clean, she did just enough to take the Burned One down. This made him more motivated to do better to be the best specialist for Sarah. Because he needed to do everything he can to protect her from what's about to come.

"It's all about the um, the tensile strength of the cellulose." The boy heard Terra say to a specialist who just complimented how good she did today.

Riven sat down on the same bench as she did.
"Ah, tensile strength. Hot." The girl ignored him. He didn't want to admit it but he was a big dick. He shouldn't have said those things about the girl and it only took him now to realize how amazing the girl was. There was a reason why Sarah liked her so much. "She's right, you know. You're a force out there."

Terra looked at the boy. Out of everyone here, she was the one who knew who he truly was.
Who he really was under that cold exterior he puts out. And she can feel how much he cared for Sarah.

"Thanks. You too."

Riven scoffed. "Fuck off. I was shit. After two attempts on me, Aisha quit combat and switched to support so..."

"Well it's, it's been a weird week. I'm sorry. I know that you and Beatrix were close so this must be really hard."

Riven shook his head. "Everyone thinks it's about Beatrix, but it's not."


Riven nodded. "I'm giving her the space she needs but I'm so fucking lost without her. I need her in my life. I need her to tell me everything's gonna be alright. That we'll get through this."

The boy weirdly felt a sense of trust when talking to the girl. Like she wouldn't judge her if he expressed his true feelings.

Terra smiled. "She's almost there. Musa told me. Maybe you just gotta show her how much you love her by giving her gifts or doing something big and grand. Something to get her attention.
"Yeah, maybe."

Before any of them could say anything, Dane comes up to them. "Sweet moves Riv. I've never seen somebody die so many different ways so quickly. You should go for Alfea's Got Talent." Dane chuckled and walked away.

"What was that?" Terra asked.

Riven sighed. "That was a shitty burn from the first year monster I created. Or Beatrix created.
He's still got like a hard-on for her, a weird way hard on. Is he even gay? I don't know anything anymore. Well, see you in a bit."

Terra just sat there, wondering why the boy was suddenly so nice to her. They haven't had a normal conversation since forever, maybe he really was changing to be a better person for Sarah. Whatever it was, Terra liked that side of Riven.

Sarah walked inside the Specialist building to fill up her water bottle. She was exhausted with all the exercises they had to do. All she wanted to do now was lay in her comfy bed and sleep.

The girl was just about to touch the water spout until she heard a voice calling her.

Sarah looked around but didn't see anyone, she was too exhausted that she now create things in her mind, she thought.

All Sarah wanted was to refill her water bottle, but she heard this female voice calling her again.

"Sarah, Sarah." She heard her again. Sarah has never heard this voice before.

Sarah followed the voice, she was like in a trance.

She ended up in Mrs Dowlings office. The voice comes from the bookshelf, so Sarah walked closer to it.

"Is everything alright Sarah?" , Mrs Dowling asked while she now stands behind the blonde girl.

Sarah is frightened and turns around to see Mrs Dowling.

"Yeah i think so."

"Did you wanted to speak to me that you came into my office?"

"Ehm yeah but it's not important and I'm late for my class so I have to go. "

But before Sarah could walk out Mrs Dowling reach out for her shoulder.

"Sarah are you sure it's nothing important you look scared."

Sarah didn't now why she was here, did she really heard this voice or did she just imagine it?

"Yeah really, everything is fine." And with that she quickly left the office.

Miss Dowling didn't believe her. She knew something was wrong. She looked to the bookshelves. No it couldn't be she thought.

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