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                               { chapter six }

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                               { chapter six }

At the beginning Sarah didn't wanted to go to this party. She wanted to research and find a solution but Freya eventually convinced Sarah to go to the party.

Maybe a party was definitely something Sarah needed right now.

She needed alcohol in her system to forget about her shitty life right now. How Silva could die, how Riven is with an another girl.

She needed a break.

"Terra!" The girl hugged the girl. "And Terra's friends."

"Sarah, these are my friends. Bloom, Aisha, and Musa." Terra introduced the girls.

Sarah smiled. "Lovely. Nice to see you at a party Musa."

"Like I said maybe we will see each other and her were are." Musa smiled happy to see Sarah again.

"You guys look like you need a drink. Here." The girl shoved a few beer bottles to the first years. "Cheers." They clicked their bottles and took a sip. Some of the fairy's are not used to the taste.

"So this is what beer taste like?" Aisha asked with a disgusted face.

Sarah chuckled. "You'll get use to it, trust me I was there too."

Bloom and Aisha left to the dance floor as the other three stayed.

"Looking for somebody specific?" Musa asked.

"Uh..." Terra stuttered.

"Are we talking about Dane?" Sarah smirked.

"No, no. I'm just looking for somewhere to put these down." Terra put something down.

"Are those..?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah! I can be a cool nerd."

"Do you have your own weed plant or something?"


"Remind me to come to you next time I need some."

"Look who showed their face. With Mum's tupperware, no less." A guy said.

"What do you want Sam?" Terra asked.

"I'm getting a drink. Relax. It's Musa right?"
Sam asked.

"That's me, yeah." Musa said, looking uncomfortable.

"I'm Sam. And you must be the cool second year my sister won't shut up about."

Sarah smiled and looked at Terra. "You talk about me?"

Terra blushed. "No I just—"

"Don't worry love, your secret is safe with me." Sarah side hugging the shy girl.

"I didn't thought you'd make it." Dane said, joining the group.

"No uh. Well I just decided to come last minute." Terra smiled so big when she saw her crush.

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