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                             { chapter nine }

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                             { chapter nine }

"Sarah. Please open the door, I know you're in there.", Riven said, pounding on the door.

"Please." Riven whispered.

He didn't need to ask anyone if they knew where Sarah was. He knew she was in her suite. It was where she went to when she needed some space.

Sarah was sitting on the other side of the door, thinking.

She wanted to talk to him and hear him out, but she just couldn't face him.

"I'm gonna wait here until you open the door."

Sarah sighed. She knew she had to hear his side of the story. There could have been a lot of misunderstanding between the two but she didn't really is good at communicating and expressing her emotions.

But right now, Sarah didn't know what she wanted.

"Darling? Please."

Sarah closed her eyes when she heard the pain in the boy's voice. She thought about it for a bit before she stood up, wiped away her tears, and opened the door. There revealed the boy sitting in the same exact position she was.

The boy immediately stood up when he saw the girl. "Hey."

Sarah half-smiled. "Hey."

"I'm sorry."


"Please hear me out." Riven begged, causing her to nod as she opened the door wider for him to come in. They ended up on her bed, sitting with a little distance between the two.

Riven sighed. "I'm— I'm so fucking sorry Sarah. I never meant any of those words and I know that a sorry won't ever fix the pain I put you through but I promise you you are not any of those things I said. I love you so fucking much that it scares the shit out of me. Every time I see you I get these butterflies and this weird knot in my stomach and it grosses me out. But every time I'm with you, you see me for me. The real me. The one where I don't have to put up a front just so people don't see how broken I am."

Sarah stared at the boy as he continued his speech. She felt the pain in his voice. She felt the regret in his voice. And she wanted so badly to just shut him up so she could feel her lips on his again. And that's exactly what she did, she kissed him.

Riven was surprised. But he kissed her back. Not too long before they separated because they needed some air.

"That's one way of shutting me up." Riven pressed his forehead against the girl's.

Sarah chuckled as she inhaled the familiar smell of cologne that she loved. "I know you didn't mean anything you said. I forgive you."

"But?" Riven asked. He knew there was something else.

Sarah sighed. "But, I want to take things slow."

Riven nodded. "We have time to get this work. I want you and only you." The boy kissed the girl's forehead one last time before heading to the door.

"Riv?" The boy turned around. "Thank you for fighting for us."

Riven smiled. "Always."

Both of them didn't know where their relationship stand, but they did know that once everything went back to normal, they would be together.

With the threats of the Burned Ones being more voiced towards the students, the facility thought it would be a good idea to pair the fairies with the specialists to see if there would be ready for this.

Sarah was thankfully assigned to her fairy friend, Terra Harvey.

"That's not fair. Why do I have to be assigned to a nobody?" Freya complained for the millionth time. She didn't like liked the fact the she was assigned a fairy that she didn't know.

"Hey. Stefan Parker could be you soulmate and you just don't know it."

Freya shrugged. "I would know if Stefan Parker is my Soulmate. Believe me I know everyone here in this school."

Sarah just rolled her eyes. Before the girl could say anything she heard someone say, "You're Freya right?"

Both the girls turned around to see a very attractive brown haired guy. He easily towered over the girls even if they were 5'7.

"That's me." Freya smiled.

"I'm Stefan." He stuck out his hand which her friend gladly shook.

"Freya. But you already know that."

Sarah chuckled and couldn't bear to hear this conversation anymore. "Have fun you two."

With that, they girl sent out to find Terra. She waved to a few specialists she knew on the way as she spotted the girl talking to Musa and Aisha. "Hey girls."

"Hi Sarah." They all say.

"Ready to kick some ass?"

Terra nodded. "Oh you bet. I have a lot of pent up anger to let out."

"Thank God it won't be on me." Sarah chuckled, not wanting to mess with Terra when she's angry.

"So who are your guys' partners?"

"We don't have any." Aisha answered.

"You don't?"

"Aisha and I have to follow around Dowling to let her know how all the students are doing.
You know because we can read people so well."
Musa explained.

"That sucks."

"Yeah but what can you do." Aisha sighed. "I guess we'll get going. Good luck you guys." And with that Aisha and Musa left.

Sarah turned her attention back to Terra to see her staring at Dane. He and his partner were currently fighting one of the teachers.

"Have you talked to him since...?"

"Yeah." Terra sadly smiled. "I really thought he liked me you know. I was so nice to him and he was I don't know. Why is it that even if he said those nasty things about me, I still like him?"

Sarah sighed, wrapping her hands around the girl. "Because we always see a side of people that nobody else does. It makes you feel special.
Take it from me. I fell for the bad boy of Alfea hard might I add and I still love him." Terra listened to the girl. "Sometimes the heart wants what it wants. But we can't live our lives thinking of the what if this happened or didn't happen. You're young and beautiful Terra, you have so much more to offer in this world than looking over a boy who doesn't even deserve you."

Terra smiled. She was grateful to have Sarah as her friend. "Thanks Sar. Now let's go kick some ass."

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