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                               { chapter four }

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                              { chapter four }

The girl eventually lost her best friend at the party. She was probably somewhere with a guy doing God knows what. Sarah decided to wander off to the trees behind where the Specialist trained. There was always never anyone there and she needed a break from the crowd.

What the girl didn't expect was to see the boy she was before arguing to be there smoking. The boy quickly saw the girl, taking one last hit, and throwing it onto the floor and putting it out.

"I can go somewhere else."

Riven shook his head. "I was finished anyways.", he said ready to stand up.

Awkward would be the perfect word to describe this situation. The two haven't really had a decent conversation since they lost last year contact. And that was five months ago. The boy tried to forget her while being drunk and sober, trying to forget those feelings, but nothing.

"Look Riv, it doesn't have to be awkward between us." Sarah tried saying.

"Why would it be awkward with us?" Riven asked.


"Because what? Training partner? Is that what we were?"

Sarah sighed. The boy was always so stubborn, but so was she. "Look I know you're the best friend of my brother but we were friends before that. Did you forget about that?"

"Just because we were training partners, doesn't make us too facking friends." Riven explained.

"Are you serious right now?" she asked hurt.

"Now you have your answer." Riven said while  standing up.

"Why are you acting like an asshole? You can't pretend that there was nothing between us."

"What should there be Sarah?"

"I thought that— you know what, forget it you wouldn't unterstand it. I'm done with your shit so go to your hookups and leave me alone."

With that the girl left the boy in his own thoughts regretting what he has said to her.

Sarah and Riven had a special chemistry as training partners, everyone could see it. He used girls like they were toys. That quickly changed when he met Sarah.

She was like a breath of fresh air he needed from his dark life. Throughout his life, he has had many people tell him he wasn't worth really anything. He couldn't do this or couldn't do that. He wasn't gonna be a good specialist. Of course Riven has this attitude where he doesn't care about what people say about him, but if you truly knew him, you'll know he cares about what people think of him, a lot.

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