Chapter 5 - The Healing Woman and the Shifter

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"Why only a few?"

"Not everyone wants to admit they need help; I'm sure you can think of at least one person who fits that description." The healing woman smiled.

Michael. Sarah glanced out at the forest before looking back.

"Additionally," the woman continued. "The healing pond can only be accessed by those who are looking for it."

"This is some pond." Sarah smiled uneasily.

"It has numerous abilities, yes. It's a part of me, and I of it, so it needs to be kept safe. Now, what may I do for you?" The healing woman intently stared at Sarah's leg.

"Oh, uhm, I was told to ask you for a healing spirit? Could I have one, please?"

The woman beamed. "Of course, my dear. I know this process feels uncomfortable at first, but it really doesn't hurt them at all to be swallowed. In fact, it makes the healing fairies stronger and your body provides them shelter." She closed her eyes and hummed a graceful tune, the diamond-like pollen sparkling up from the pond's surface.

Sarah listened, relaxing, and finally let herself imagine what a healing spirit would look like. She guessed a small, round blob—similar to a mud spirit, but instead of eating her, it would heal.

... Wait.

Sarah looked up at the healing woman. "I'm sorry to interrupt. Did you just say 'fairies?'" As in the healing spirits are fairies? Like an elf with wings? That's what we're talking about?"

Please say no.

The woman nodded as she hummed. Sparkles reflected on the pond's surface as a line of inch-tall fairies flew out of the pond, breaking the water's surface with a splash. They formed perfect, choreographed lines in front of Sarah, hovering over each other and flapping their butterfly and dragonfly wings. Each fairy had skin with a different shade of blue or teal than the one before, and similarly, each pair of eyes had a different shade of pale yellow or algae green. None of them wore clothes, and they all had pointed ears holding their hair back. Their hair was so clear that Sarah might have not noticed they had hair at all, if it weren't for the glowing pond shining blue light that rippled through and temporarily tinted the hair strands.

"So, I have to swallow a fairy..." Sarah restated slowly.

The fairies all danced and glowed to get her attention.

The woman cocked her head and kneeled down on the water's surface, her dress's skirt floating on the ripples spreading out from her knees. "I take it you didn't know the healing spirits were fairies?"

Sarah sighed. "No, the person telling me about this conveniently left that part out."

"This person you speak he a wolf spirit named Michael, by any chance?"

Sarah's eyes widened. "Yeah; do you know him?"

"Yes, I know the boy quite well. When we met, I caught him trying to steal one of my fairies," she said. "I would have given him one, had he asked, but after he tried stealing, I couldn't allow him that." Her wings sunk behind her back.

"I don't know why he keeps stealing." Sarah sighed forlornly, hugging her arms. "He kept saying it was for fun, but I'm sure he's lying."

"Ah, I was wondering what he told you." The woman chuckled softly.

Sarah nodded. "But, that's not it, is it?"

"No," Her voice softened. "he doesn't steal for fun. Or for money."

"Then what does he steal for?"

The woman hesitated. "Partly for practice, I suppose. It's a useful skill to have in this world, at least."

Dimokre Chronicles Book 1: Crossed PathsWhere stories live. Discover now