Chapter 16 - Meeting the Parents and Getting a Shock

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Michael took a step back. "We just got here, sir." He knew tonight would go a lot easier—and faster—if he wasn't snarky.

Their golden retriever slithered out from behind Sarah's dad, bumping clumsily into his legs.

"No, Marcy, come back inside," her dad muttered, reaching for her collar.

Marcy rushed to Michael and leaned hard against him, her tail beating against his shin. He knelt down to pat her back and scratch behind her ears. She wagged harder and tried to lick his face.

"Wow, it usually takes her two whole seconds to stop growling at a stranger instead of zero," her dad mused.

It did Thursday night. "Guess I'm a dog person."

Sarah snorted, and Michael shot her a look.

Her dad stiffened. He forced out a smile and offered his hand. "Well, I'm assuming you're Michael? I'm Bryan, Sarah's dad."

Michael eyed it. Touching strangers in the spirit world was dangerous, but in the human world, just uncomfortable. He shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Williams."

A woman came up, and Bryan scooted to the side to make room. "What're you three doing out here? It's cold! C'mon in." She pulled on Bryan's hand, and the three of them, plus Marcy, followed her inside.

The woman smiled at Michael. "Hi, I'm Amanda, Sarah's mom. It's nice to meet you. Michael, right?" She offered her hand.

Letting a stranger know his name was also dangerous. He nodded and shook it. "Yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you too." His hand itched for the powder so he could leave already.

"How're you doing, Michael? You and your family staying warm in this weather?" Amanda asked politely, as Bryan pulled food out of the oven. She leaned against the counter as she talked.

Michael stiffened. "Uh, yeah. I'm—we're fine. I like colder weather, actually. My mom's favorite season is winter, so I guess I get it from her."

"Wow, really." Amanda said thoughtfully, "I prefer the winter too. Autumn here is pretty, but if the weather has to be cold, I prefer it to snow, too." She grinned.

I don't know what to say. He nodded and glanced at Sarah.

She was already on it. "Mom, you'll never guess what Michael's reading for English class."

"Oh, what?" Amanda smiled at Michael. He could see where Sarah got her smile from.

"Crossing Paths!" Sarah chimed.

"Oh, wow! Your class is reading pretty recent books then, huh? Do you like it?"

"Uhm—" Michael began.

"He's a teenaged kid forced to read a romance novel. Of course, he doesn't like it, Amanda." Bryan smiled, squeezing her hand as he walked into the kitchen.

The rest trailed into the living room, and Michael numbly sat down next to Sarah.

"Hey, you never know!" said Amanda." Maybe he likes it!"

"I—uh—don't," Michael murmured. "I mean, it's fine, just not my cup of tea, I guess. My mom likes it though. I've been reading it with her."

"Aw, that's sweet. Do you know why she likes it? What's her favorite part so far?"

At least I know who Sarah gets her interrogation skills from, Michael thought, but in truth, he was relieved someone was filling the awkward silence.

"I know she likes one of the characters. Apparently he reminds her of me. She keeps saying 'My son is in this book!'"

Amanda laughed. "That's funny, my mom always said the main character was based on Sarah. Which one does your mom think is you?"

Dimokre Chronicles Book 1: Crossed PathsWhere stories live. Discover now