Chapter 7 - Don't Watch Flying Colors

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Michael and Sarah trudged through the forest, walking beside each other with Michael in his anim-latic form. The spirit hospital was quite a ways away, and they still had a long distance to go. Sarah stumbled constantly, so every once in a while, Michael would gesture to a tree so they could lean against it for a moment of rest. This particular time, Sarah had actually managed to fall asleep, leaning against Michael's arm. He abruptly shook it, and she flung her body away and sat up instantly. She stared at him incredulously.

"Don't give me that look. We can rest for a minute, sure, but we're not safe here. We can't sleep," Michael grumbled.

Sarah sighed, but she knew he was right. She begrudgingly left her tree and followed him along. He grabbed her arm and began gently, but definitely dragging her along with him. Normally, this would annoy her, but she appreciated any attempt he made to help her not fall asleep.

"Would talking help?"

Sarah blinked, staring at him. She nodded quickly before he could change his mind. "I thought you wanted me to be quiet."

"Yeah, well," he said quietly. "At this point, if you're quiet, that means I'll have to carry you." He patted his side. "I can't do that right now."

Sarah nodded. "Okay. Uhm, well, what do you want to talk about?"

"What?" Michael looked at her, his mouth gaping open. He almost looked shocked, but the ends of his mouth twinged teasingly up. "The Curious Sarah already ran out of questions to bog me down with?"

"Har di har har. I've asked you several questions that you refuse to answer, and now I'm too discouraged—" She could feel Michael's incredulous stare without even looking at him, and she sighed but corrected herself, "—exhausted to think of more."

Michael smiled faintly. "That, I believe. Alright, we could play the Alphabet Game."

"The what-y what game?"

Michael explained, "It's where you go back and forth saying words that start with letters in alphabetical order. We usually play with words based on our surroundings, but uh, when it gets to the harder letters, it's fine to just blurt out random words. Sometimes, we'll do a conversation with it."

"Who's we?"

Michael froze and glanced at her. He paused for a second and smiled. "Hey, if you stay awake until we reach the hospital, maybe I'll tell you."

Challenge accepted. She stared at him, grinning. When he gave a what-have-I-gotten-myself-into smile, she grinned wider. "Alright, uhmm. Answers!" she exclaimed gleefully.


"Uhh, chased."

He shrugged and nodded. "Determined." He stepped carefully into a river, planted his feet firmly in the riverbed and held out his hands. He did it so easily and swiftly that Sarah couldn't help but wonder if he really was only recently turned into a spirit. He seemed to adapt to the world around him easily.

Envious, Sarah thought. She hesitantly took his hand, and he helped her jump over the river. Sharp pain jolted through her leg when she landed. She cried out and knelt to the ground, rubbing her leg. It felt like something was resisting her inside. Did I sprain my leg too? "Empathy?"

Michael nodded and sat down with her. "Uh, forest, fairy." He picked up a rock and held it underwater. He shook it, droplets flying off. Then he held it against her leg. The coolness of the rock seeped in, distracting her.

She sniffled, trying to keep from crying. "Uhm.... 'gony?"

Michael eyed her. "That's cheating."

"Great agony?"

Dimokre Chronicles Book 1: Crossed PathsWhere stories live. Discover now