Chapter 20 - Don't Ignore an Easy Out

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Sarah rested her elbows on the bar counter. "Oh, crap."


"Like, worse than crap!"

"I know."

"This is... what's worse than crap?"


Sarah blinked and looked at Michael wearing a slight smile. Her face fell in her hands. "Yeah, that."

"Listen, you don't have to do anything related to the spirit world from now on. I'll look into what spirit you could partly be and will tell you if I find anything. You don't need to deal with Huntress or the spirit world or any of this. Your parents don't remember. You'll get a fresh start."

Sarah stared at him. "Do you not want me to help you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You keep trying to give me a way out. So, do you want me to be here or not?"

Michael frowned, hesitating. "Does it matter what I think?"

"Yes, it matters to me, or I wouldn't be asking."

"Fine, I want you to stay." Michael sighed, leaning back in his chair. "But it's dangerous, and I get that it's scary, especially depending on how accurate your grandmother's book is. So if you want out at any point, I understand and I won't pressure you to stay."

"I want to stay."

Michael stared at her, like she'd run away if he took his eyes off her. "Okay. Then, we should probably get you a weapon."

Sarah blinked. "That's possible?"

Michael nodded. "Andrea's a blacksmith, remember?"

"Oh, is that why you wanted her to like me?"

"Yep. You're good with anything sharp and metal, right?"

Sarah grinned. "Yeah. Swords are the best though."

"Alright." Michael nodded. "I'll let her know. In the meantime, don't go into the spirit world by yourself. Once you get your sword and you feel comfortable that you can defend yourself, then sure. But until then, please don't, without me."

His eyes were so concerned and intent, so hazel, that Sarah's heartbeat raced. She found herself nodding. "Okay, I won't."

Michael leaned back, seemingly satisfied. "Okay."

Sarah wanted to hug him. The urge to hug him or hold his hand or get him to smile at her strengthened every day. Her cheeks flushed. She brushed her hair behind her ear and got herself some water. Michael's eyes followed her. When she looked up at him, he frowned.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Michael began.

Sarah sipped her water, wishing she could press the cold glass against her cheeks without looking weird. "Yes, I'm fine! Just thinking. So, uhm, you mentioned we'd need to go to the witch before getting the forget-me dust?"

Michael eyed her for a second. He shrugged. "Uh, yeah. I'll go with you to the witch's. We need to get a shrinking potion for you. I don't really like going to the forget-me-not kingdom—"

"—hence me doing the favor—" Sarah chimed in.

"—right, so—" Michael chewed his lip. "I might have a person that would be willing to go with you, and he can shrink without needing a potion." He sighed, pulling out his phone. "I'll text him."

Sarah eyed him. "Who?"

"You'll see. Wow, he texted back fast. He says he can take you there after the witch. You won't be in danger once you're inside her cottage, so I'll stay outside and call him to let him know more of the plan."

Dimokre Chronicles Book 1: Crossed PathsWhere stories live. Discover now