The note - chapter 3

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Heyyyy guys I'm v sorry that I haven't updated but I have had exams and school crap, anyway I hope you have liked my fan fic so farrrr and thanks to all the People who have read, voted and commented on my story, right now on with the story coz I'm blabbering aha


Imogen's POV:
After what had just happened I couldn't think straight why would he want to go on a date with me and I had only just met him what is going on, I walk up stairs and back into my bedroom, and all i can do is stare at the note sitting on my bed what the hell! Where did this come from I swear it wasn't there before I went down.

I pushed the note aside to scared to open it and got into bed, I let my mind wonder and all I could think about was the note now sitting on my bed side table, so someone has come in to my room and and placed the note down on my bed, now I was freaked I jerked up looking straight to the letter wondering what it would say, should I open it ? But then if I do I won't be able to get to sleep,
After a long debate I decided to leave it till morning and just sleep on it and that's what I did.

I woke to the sound on my phone ringing fuck I cursed rubbing my eyes and reaching for my phone realising it was my stepdad, God I hate him so much I never had liked him since my dad left and my mum found him, he's horrible and the past three years my mum has never been the same since she got with him, that's reminds me my mum or Jim, my stupid stepdad, never came in last night or they didn't call or text. I coughed and said hello, hii it's Jim and I'm just ringing to say that me and your mum had to stay on at work and we will be back soon and sorry for not letting you know, ok I said tiredly and put down the phone knowing they where up to something probably drugs or something haha as if my mum would do drugs but then again No no she wouldn't, I pushed that thought away being one of the stupidest things I have probably thought and looked around my room realising that the note was still sitting on my bed side table god I dreaded opening it for some weird reason but I don't know why I just did, I got up and headed to the bathroom, I looked at the disgusting morning site in the mirror and brushed my teeth and applied my toner, I stumbled down strains popping two pieces of toast into the toaster and getting the cereal out of the cabinet yeah I know I eat a lot I did everything I needed to do and sat down at the table reading a magazine eating my breakfast, when my mum and Jim stumbled in look rough and drugged haha and they thought I wouldn't notice hii I called its just your daughter you know you haven't see or spoke to in like two days, all I heard was my mum laugh and then they both went up stairs to bed because they had a massive hag over what a surprise.

I did have a brother but he went off to college about two months ago and i wish he didn't go everything was better before he left, and since he did leave jim and my mum have gotten very weird.I finished my breakfast and went up stairs to get dressed, remembering the note still sitting god I was scared to open in but I hade to do it because it would be sitting there for ages if I didn't, so I picked up my balls haha yeah coz I have balls and went in to open it. I picked up the White envelop and ran my finger under the seal to reveal a little picture off my step dad, Jim, and Edward why the hell was Edward on it, and why was Jim giving him a brown paper bag ok now I was really panicked and I didn't have a clue who would put this in here, I turned the picture around and all it said on it was " good luck ".

All I could do was look around freaked now I was even scared to be in my own home I scanned the room looking over the clock when it said 8:10 crap!! I had to be at the comer by 20 past I grabbed my clothes and shoved them on putting the picture into my school Bag and rushed out the house, I was at the comer by 8:20 surprisingly how did I forget I had school probably because I had that stupid picture and my mum and Jim to think about I just lost track off time I thought to myself as Jessica came walking towards me, hiii I said as we both hugged where's kaitlyn ? Ohh she's off today so just me and you haha Jessica said as we walked to school.

We approach the school gates with the bitches flash car still in my space, why mine though like seriously anyway I haven't told anyone about Edward asking me on a date yet and I didn't even know when it was happening so I just left it at that, me at Jessica split and we both went ate separate ways she was going to science and me to my locker, I walked down the corridor before coming to my locker, I opened it and began to sort all my books and shit out when I looked up into the little mirror and I saw Edward standing behind me AHH fuck!!! I screamed as I jumped and turned around to see the gorgeous boy with amazing features giggling god that what the cutest giggle in the world, snap out of it I said to my self before I looked back up, sooo I said what would you like ?? I asked to Edward trying to be polite as possible because to be honest I really couldn't be bothered, he shuffled a bit closer to me and began to speak, about that date what about Friday at 8 I'll pick you up from your house, sure I said a bit concerned at how close he was, he took a few more steps towards me and bent down so his mouth was by my ear lobe and whispered " oh and wear something sexy ", as soon as he said it I felt my cheeks flush and I had to look away.

He backed away with a smirk planted across his lips and all I could do was stare at him but not for too long because no doubt he was making me week on my knees , He was so good looking it hurt after what hade just happened I turned back around and began to pile things into my bag not even needing all the things I collected, byee I shouted as I basically ran away down the corridor, I could feel him emerald eyes digging into the back off me, he called back with a simple bye and off he went with the sound of him Brown Chelsea boots clipping on that hard floor.

I needed to get away from this and tell someone, anyone about what just happened and the only person I could tell was Jessica and she was still in science, so all I could do was wait....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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