The Doctors...

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**???'s POV**

In the beginning, peace seemed at its closest, yet one... One wanted power for himself... The five bishops went into dismay... Eyes... Throats... Ears... A head split... Soon after the carnage, the one of the five bishops was banished... Yet... a prophecy was about... A lamb was a prophet of the red crown sent by the one who was banished to seek revenge... The lamb grew a large cult and grew powerful... But the poor lamb could not keep up with it all and sadly... the lamb failed... the lamb was sealed within the crown and vanished with the crown upon death... But even after the prophet was killed, the banished one waited for the other bishops to act... Yet the last of the four bishops retreats into hiding, never to be seen again... Until... a tortured soul finds the tomb of the banished one's prophet... The prophecy will be fulfilled properly, and this time all will fall to the red crown like it should have been five millennials ago...

**No One's POV**

Izuku woke up sweating as he had a nightmare... Yet something was off about the dream to him... It somehow felt so-. Izumi, his sister, burst into his room, screaming, before he could finish the thought.


Izuku: I've been awake. Why are you in here yelling?

Izumi can be seen almost bouncing off the walls with excitement.

Izumi: We are going to the doctor today to find out our quirks, remember!

He shot out of bed and, with a huge smile on his face, screamed out to her.


He grabbed Izumi's hand and started running while dragging her with him to their parents room.

Izumi and Izuku: MOM, DAD, WAKE UP!

They jump on their bed, yelling for them to wake up, and when they do, they just say tiredly.

Inko (worried and tiredly): Kids, settle down! Will you explain why you both are in here screaming and yelling? Did one of you get hurt? Are you both alright?

Izuku: No, mom, we are fine, but today is the day we find out our quirks!

Inko (laughs): Well, that's not for a while, so how about I start making breakfast? Hm, that sounds good.

Izuku and Izumi nod their heads up and down before running to the table, waiting for food to be given to them. Soon after they sit down, their mother and father come out of their room, and Inko heads for the kitchen, and Toshinori heads over to the table and rubs Izuku's and Izumi's heads.

Toshinori: How are you kids doing today? Hm?

Izumi: Excited! I can't wait to see what quirk I have! I hope it's like Mom's, so I can be just like her, but in a heroic way!

Toshinori (laughs): What about you, Izuku? What do you think your quirk will be?

Izuku didn't hear him as he was still focused on the dream he had last night, but Toshinori cut Izuku out of his thoughts by shaking his shoulder.

Toshinori (a bit worried): Are you alright, Izuku? Are you still a bit tired?

Izuku: Um, no, I'm not. I was just thinking about something anyway. What did you say, dad?

Toshinori: I asked you what you think your quirk is.

Izuku: Oh well, I want to be just like All Might and save people with a smile on my face.

Toshinori had the proudest smile he could while seeing his son idolize him. He then sits down across from the two kids and starts chatting with them about the doctor. Soon after, Inko comes out with pancakes and sets them in front of her family.

Inko: Here is food you rascals eat up because in a couple of hours we are going to the doctor.

Izuku and Izumi scarf down their food, quickly excuse themselves from the table, and rush to the bathroom to get ready. Inko sighs, and Toshinori just laughs a bit.

Inko: Those kids are crazy, I swear.


**Izuku's POV**

As soon as I get in my room to grab a change of clothes to change into after my shower, as soon as I am going to leave and beat Izumi to the bathroom, my room starts to distort and turn red while blood comes out from the ceiling. I am frozen in place, and all I hear is some language unknown to me.

ꐇ̷͕͠ꋊ̶̧̐ꀗ̴̠͘ꋊ̶̞͠ꂦ̸̥̀ꅏ̷̫͌ꋊ̴̪̊: ꐞ̷̯̌ꂦ̴̟̓ꐇ̷̫͝ ̷̨͌ꁲ̴̡͆ꌅ̷̨̋ꈼ̸̹́ ̸͚̌ꋖ̴͕̚ꍩ̴̟̂ꈼ̶̻͑ ̸̖̊ꀯ̸͕́ꍩ̷̪̆ꂦ̴̰̚ꌚ̷̻͝ꈼ̴͙͐ꋊ̵͕͂ ̶͖͑ꂦ̷̺̈́ꋊ̶͉̉ꈼ̷̻̊.̶͍͆ ̵̨̿ꌅ̸̮͗ꈼ̷̭̊ꌚ̴̧̈́ꋖ̵͓̂ꂦ̸̮͆ꌅ̷̺̚ꈼ̵̦͘ ̶̘̚ꋖ̸̡̓ꍩ̸̪̈́ꈼ̴̰̿ ̷̺͒ꄞ̷̹̈́ꁲ̸̧̈́ꂑ̷͉̋ꋖ̵̰͘ꍩ̷̡͌ ̶̉͜ꂦ̵̞̃ꄞ̷̖͠ ̷̝͐ꋖ̶̞̒ꍩ̵̹͝ꈼ̸̭̂ ̵̪́ꌅ̶̗̈́ꈼ̶̝̚ꂠ̸͉͋ ̷̰̽ꀯ̷̣̓ꌅ̷̺͂ꂦ̵̬̚ꅏ̸̗̉ꋊ̵̱̎ ̴̰̒ꁲ̷͎̓ꋊ̸̮̋ꂠ̸͂͜ ̴̗͌ꂵ̷͔̄ꁲ̷̡͐ꀗ̴̭̈ꈼ̷͚̃ ̵̤͐ꅏ̷͉̓ꍩ̶̙̿ꁲ̵̠̐ꋖ̴̘̍ ̸̬͛ꌚ̶̳͑ꍩ̷̞̑ꂦ̶̼͝ꐇ̶̲̐꒒̵̰̄ꂠ̸̮̐ ̶̣̍ꍩ̵̢͌ꁲ̴̉͜ꀰ̶̼͝ꈼ̸͉́ ̵̭̈ꋰ̸̟͐ꈼ̶͔̔ꈼ̴̫́ꋊ̷͔͌ ̷̹̔ꂠ̷̲̓ꂦ̶͕̾ꋊ̴̠̄ꈼ̴̡͂ ̴̞́ꍩ̵̼̅ꁲ̴͈̀ꉣ̵̝̀ꉣ̵̠̿ꈼ̵͈̈́ꋊ̸̣̓.̷̩̉

I began to cry, scared for my life, but everything returned to normal, and I was unfrozen. I fell face-first onto the floor. Less than a minute later, both my parents burst into my room to see what had happened. My mom leans down and helps me up to my feet.

Inko: Are you sweetie? Did you fall on your face? You hurt anywhere?

I only cry and hug her, scared for my life. She pats my back, sets me in front of her, and wipes my tears.

Inko: Baby, you're alright. Alright, now go get ready.

I run to the bathroom and see Izumi walk out. I run in turn the shower on and hop in.


**Izuku's POV**

Me, Izumi, and Mom sit waiting in the doctor's room. Dad wasn't here, as he had work to do. The doctor comes back in with an x-ray and he hangs them up on the lighting panel.

Doctor: So I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?

Inko (scared a bit): bad please...

Doctor: ma'am I have run all regular tests and check ups for a four year old on both of your kids and they are perfectly healthy, but when it comes to the quirk test... I'm afraid your son is quirkless.

At the moment he says I am quirkless, my whole world crashes around me. I look at my mom, and she looks at me with a look I have never seen before. She gave me a look of disgust. I was shocked to see her face like that. I looked at Izumi; she had the same face. They both looked at me with disgust. Like I was a disease...

Inko: ...And what's the good news?

Doctor: Your daughter has a quirk similar to your own, Miss Yagi, but stronger. She would make a wonderful hero.

My mom stood up and gave Izumi the biggest hug.

Inko: Haha, Izumi, your dream is going to come true!

While Mom and Izumi hugged and danced, I cried into my knees, all alone. The doctor comes up to me and pats my back.

Doctor: Look, kid, you don't need a quirk to be a hero. I mean, look at Eraserhead, he fights quirkless with his own strength, so train up and you'll be just as strong, or maybe stronger, alright?

I wipe my tears and hug him.

Izuku: Thank you so much, doctor. I'll train and become just like him!

Doctor: Right on! Now run along, and good luck to you... You'll need it.

I nodded and ran off. I didn't hear the last part he said but he was right... I need some good luck.


Sorry the chapter is so short i would have made i longer but its 1:20 AM ;-; and its a good place to ends it for now anyway hope you enjoy :3

(1251 words)

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