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(one of the best fan songs ngl)


**Izuku's POV**

The One Who Waits laughs as he puts his hand out as far as he can.

The One Who Waits: WELL! HAHA! If you want to survive here, YOU MUST KILL! There's no way around it, sheep! HAHA, I'll give you your taste of killing. Try not to fail this task, or you'll die where you stand HAHA!

The One Who Waits lifts me up, opens a portal below me, and throws me into it. When I got to the other side, the bishops had vanished, replaced by small creatures dressed in hooded robes and wielding a cultist-looking dagger.

They look at me in shock as my once limp, headless body rises up and becomes whole once more, equipped with the red crown that had become a sword. I look at them, scared, as they come close to me, weapons raised, ready to attack. I close my eyes and swing the sword, thinking about what The One Who Waits said to me about survival. Somehow, it takes over my mind. I opened my eyes to see all the cultists dead, but the exterminator had his axe raised, ready to swing it down again, but I rolled out of the way and cut his arms off, then his head. I regain my senses, and when I see the bodies that I had made and the blood on me and the sword, I throw the sword away, only for it to turn back into a crown and sit back atop my head. I stare at the bodies, terrified, but it is replaced by something... by nothing, as if the feelings of fear, pity, remorse, and regret begin to fade.

I pick myself up and push forward through the stone walkway. When I reach the end, more cultists wait for me. They move in to attack me, but I kick one away, make the crown into a sword, and kill the two cultists that approach me before I walk over to the one I kicked away. He tried to get up, but I kicked him back down with a dangerous smirk on my face. He tried to crawl away, but he backed into a tree, looking at me in fear. I stab my sword into his head, killing him, and start to walk away, letting MY crown return to my head as I walk away, following the pre-made path through the trees.

When I make it out of the path, I see an old abandoned camp. Soon after, the lamb comes up through a portal.

Lamb: Hey Izuku :3

Izuku: Um, how are you here? Didn't you die? How did you get resurrected?

Lamb: Haha, oh, Izuku, you have got so much to learn. But that's why i'm here :3 I'm going to help you learn everything :3 But to answer your question, Yes and no. You see, I was defeated and sealed with our master, but not chained and trapped like him. I was sent to the land of the damned, but without cult members, I could not return. But with those cultists you killed!

The Lamb smiles widely and looks at me smugly.

Lamb: especially the fear and torment you put into that last cultist. Our master was able to send me here to help you out :3

I look at the Lamb, a bit shocked.

Izuku: W-what! How d-did you?

I was cut off by the Lamb.

Lamb: Don't worry, Izuku, hehe. Now let's go on to your first cult member!

As the lamb was walking off, I asked a question.

Izuku: Hey, before we do anything, I need to ask, what's your name?

The lamb looked down sadly.

Lamb: I actually don't have one, Izuku.

I look at the lamb sadly and pat the lamb's head. The lamb looked at me curiously. I just smile.

Izuku: How about I give you a name? Since you're used to being called lamb, how about Lambert?

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