The Exams... (edited)

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**No One's POV**

It's the day of the entrance exam and Toshnori looks out the window of UA and sees the kids heading into the building for the entrance exam but as Toshinori looks he's only looking for one thing...

**Toshnori's POV**

As I watch all the kids head in to the building I look through the crowd hoping to see him... but in my search all I see is Izumi and Bakugo walking in confidently and cocky, it makes me sick to watch to even see them after what they did.

Soon after I see them walking in, Aizawa grabs my shoulder.

Aizawa: I know why you're here, and I won't judge as I wanted to do the same, but we are needed in the observation room.

I sigh, but I nod and turn to him and smile.

Toshinori: Well, if we are needed to lead that way...

As Aizawa turns to leave, I take one look back out the window and see someone or... something behind everyone else...

**No One's POV**

As the written portion of the exams is about to starts, all the examinees sit down and sit quietly as Present Mic enters the room

Present Mic: What's up, UA candidates? Thanks for tunin' in to me, your school DJ. C'mon. And lemme hear ya!

As he points his ear to the crowd, hoping for a response, all he gets is silence.

Present Mic: Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. So in front of you all you should see the written exam you all have one hour to complete it and if not done in time you FAAIIIIILLLLL, and no one wants that. So good luck and your time starts NOWWWW!

A projector projects a timer for one hour and once the students see it they begin their tests... all but one. The one can be seen looking at the test before sighing and only writing his name before the black crown floats off his head, and they start speaking quietly in a language unknown to the surrounding students.

A student with blue hair had had enough and stands up and points to the talking student.


The blue hair loud student suddenly slows down his yelling before stopping as he feels a threatening feeling crawl up his spine.

Izuku: Shut Up.

The student immediately sits down swiftly and continues his test, scared for his life. A lot of minutes later, the timer hits zero and Present Mic enters the room again.

Present Mic: Well well well, TIMEEESSSS UPPPPPPP. So let's move on to the battle portion of this exam. So you rockin' boys and girls will be out there conducting ten minute mock battles in super‐hip urban settings. Gird your loins, my friends. After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle center, and turn in your test as you leave, sound good?

The projector behind him changes to the three different robot type they will be fighting, and some people start talking.

Present Mic: Okay, okay, now let's check out your targets. There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid‐song guitar solo. But, check it! Make sure you're keep'n things heroic. Attacking other examinees is a UA no‐no, ya dig?

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