The Spoken Truth...

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*No Ones POV*

Present Mic: AND THAT IS TIMES UP!!!!!

As Present Mic yells using his quirk, so everyone can hear him.


As everyone rushes out and home, Narinder floats down and shrinks into his chibi form as Izuku approaches.

Izuku: well, well~ Looks like someone had fun~

Narinder blushes

Narinder: ₭ɆɆ₱ ɎØɄⱤ ₥ØɄ₮Ⱨ ₴ⱧɄ₮ ɎØɄ ł₦₴ł₲₦ł₣ł₵₳₦₮ Ⱡ₳₥฿! ₮Ⱨł₴ ₩₳₴₦₮ ɆVɆ₦ ₮ⱧɆ ₣ɄⱠⱠ ɆӾ₮Ɇ₦₮ Ø₣ ₥Ɏ ₱Ø₩ɆⱤ...

Izuku looks at Narinder with a killer's glare from his words and as soon as he looks at Izuku's glare his ears drop and floats to lay on Izuku's head.

As Izuku smiles from the interaction he turns to leave, he hears a girl call out for him.

Ochaco: U-Um, please h-help me...

Izuku turns to see her with her leg trapped between concrete. Izuku walks toward her and levitates the concrete, freeing her.

Izuku: are you alright?

Izuku reaches his hand down for her to grab so he could lift her up. She grabs his hand, and he pulls her up so she can stand, but as she was going to fall back down to the floor, her body stops in place.

Ochaco: W-What...

Izuku: you are injured...

As Ochaco was going to speak, a bright red light engulfed her ankle, healing it.

Ochaco: W-What in the world...

She soon after regained control of her body and stood up right and dusts off any concrete and dust from her clothes before looking up to thank Izuku, but as she looked up she only finds him gone.

Ochaco: W-Where did...

**Toshinori's POV**

I walk with the Nezu and Aizawa to Nezu's office to make a call on the intercom calling the Izuku impersonator to the same office, but as we enter his office, we are greeted with the boy in Nezu's chair with a cat on his head. Aizawa and I immediately get ready for a fight.


I was about to rush him, but Nezu stops me.

Nezu: Now, let's calm down and talk like adults. So "Izuku" what are you doing here?

The boy just laughs as the door slams shut, locking us in but as we turn to the door then back we see nothing... no walls... no desk or chairs... everything is black...

"Izuku": Calm yourself before I restrain you.

Light slowly engulfs all of our eyes, stunning us a bit before showing a bright heaven light space... clouds line the floor as chains coming from the sky seemingly hold them up.

"Izuku": This is the domain of the once chained god of death... if you try anything, not only will it be in vain, you will be face to face with the very god that was once chained away.

As the kid talks, we look down to see him on a throne of skulls with a black crown with a red eye on the top, while chains fastened around the chair.

I stay in my buff form, just in case, but I see Nezu relax.

Nezu: So, who are you?

Izuku: You know exactly who I am, but I have become is unknown to you...

He looks at us with a smirk. And points and I involuntarily shrink down to my skinny form.

Toshinori: W-What... HOW DID YOU DO THAT!

I try to return to my buff form, to no avail.

Izuku: I'd rather see the face of my "father" then Allmight.

As he said that, my heart takes a bullet and I stop talking as I relive the all the missed memories I could have had with him. Tears come to my eyes as Aizawa pats my shoulder.

Izuku: Don't worry, I do not hate you, but I am severely angered by your unwillingness to even help during my times of need... but because of your disregard I have become the god amongst gods.

Soon after he stops talking, the room instantly becomes Nezu's office and Izuku is right behind us walking out the door.

Izuku: I will be attending UA, and I am more than aware ill be placed in a class with them, and i very much look forward to it~

He then leaves the room, having the door slam shut behind him.

Nezu: ... Well, I have things to do, so why don't you both go relax...

Aizawa and I leave the room, and I am still left to my thoughts as I think on what just what had just happened...

A god amongst gods?

What has happened to him...


so me being extremly lazy and my mind running wild i will probably mayyybe post some other stories on the side but focus on this one (or whatever one has more attention) so please dont worry on my putting a hold on this story :3 

tbh i just have like a huge set out story and am to lazy and i want to get to the action so ive been lazier about my recent wrighting butttttt i have more free time so i should hopefully post more more lol 


(832 words)

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