Life Can Flash...

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**?̸̠̝͝?̸͈̔̓?̶̠̬́ POV**

The one for sought in the prophet of the red crown was a sacrificial lamb led to the one who waits... the four bishops sacrificed the lamb... Unknown to them the god of death intercepted the sacrifice and the lamb was brought straight to him... with the lamb of prophet gone who shall be put up to the block of sacrifice...

**No One's POV**


11 years... Izuku suffered worse than prisoners and villains in Tartarus. He had cuts, broken bones, burns, and bruises. He tried to tell his dad, but Toshinori pushed it off because he was exaggerating. He had to learn first aid so he wouldn't die in the next beating from his used to be friend and sister. Most people would have give up by now. Yet Izuku still pushed on only because of what his father and the doctor said to him. Saying he can become a hero. He just has to be tougher, train harder, and push on. His father rarely spoke to him after that. His father did not train him. He trained Izumi. But it wasn't his fault. Inko would drag Toshinori when he tried to train Izuku. Izuku knew this. But Toshinori didn't even fight back. Almost like he didn't care...

**Izuku's POV**

It is the last day of school today. The torture would finally end. I sit down in my seat and wait for class to start. The teacher walks in soon after I sit down.

Teacher: sit down, shut up, and listen, you brats.

Everyone sits down and stops talking. She then continues

Teacher: So, as third-year students, it's time to start thinking seriously about your future and what you want to do with your lives. I could pass out some career aptitude tests. But... Why bother? I know you all want to go to the Hero Track!

She threw the papers she had in her hand to her side as everyone started cheering and using their quirks. Everyone except Izumi, Katsuki, and me that is.

Teacher: Yes, yes, you've got some very "impressive" quirks, but no quirk usage is allowed in school. Get a hold of yourselves, stupid brats...

Katsuki: Hey, teach... Don't lump me and Izumi in with this bunch of worthless losers. Me and her are the real deal, but these fucks will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some lowly busted D-listers. Especially you.

He was pointing at me. When he said that, he had a fierce look in his eyes. He wants me dead. I've known that since day two of knowing I was quirkless.

Teacher: Huh, you and Izumi are both trying for U.A. High, right?

Rando student 1: What he is trying for, U.A.!?

Rando student 2: That school only has a 0.2% acceptance rate!

Rando student 3: It's impossible to get into!

Katsuki: And that's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me and Izumi. We both aced all of
the mock tests. We are the only ones at this school who stand a chance of getting in. I'll end up more popular than All Might himself! And be the richest hero of all time! People all across the world will know who we are, and it all starts with U.A. High!

The students looked at him with awe. I don't even gaze his way. I just want to leave so I can train for the summer, get some strength, and try to pass the hero exam. If not, there is always the support course. But as I think everything will end, I hear words coming from the teacher's mouth. With a smirk she says something I wish she would have never said...

Teacher: Oh yeah, Midoriya... Don't you want to go to U.A. too?

I look up at her in shock. Everyone starts laughing, except two. In a flash, Izumi used her telekinesis and pulled me toward Katsuki, and he threw a huge explosion in my face.

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