Return of him

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This part also contains the introduction of the characters in the story,gathered up with the first part of the story

Y/n's pov:

I woked up soaked in my sweat and still thinking if what happened,even though it was 2 months ago I still wonder where he went,I live alone in my apartment because my parent's are in a different country working,they didn't even noticed how fucked up my life was since they moved.

I started the day smoking cig,his ways are still here with me,smoking in the morning and other stuffs,the only thing he left was his pack of cigarettes and lighter that hasn't been moved from his table in my room,after our break up I didn't bother cleaning the house,I live alone now anyways.

Today was my day off, I decided to grab some coffee outside and talk it all out with my friend,kylie,she was here for me since me and him broke up but her words didn't work out for me to forget about him,I texted her as soon as I got ready

Wanna grab a coffee kylie?
Sure!Did you clean your room yet
Can we just not talk about it today
Y/n you have to!your life had been
fucked up for that fuck boy
Fine..I'll clean my room after
we get some coffee
There you go,start getting
your self up girl,don't get
yourself fucked up because
of Tom.

I waited for her in our meet up place and started walking soI could get fresh air up to my head,so I can try to forget about him.

"So,is he trying to communicate with you" kylie said,"no,its been 2 months" I replied. "Thats good,so you can forget about him already" kylie responded. "Do you think he has moved on already"responding to her while balling my eyes out trying not to cry "I think so,if he hasn't moved on he would still try and talk to you girl" her responding while trying to comfort me "I need to forget him,alteast just for a day" kylie's eyes went bigger and said "OH I HAVE AN IDEAA" she said while shaking my shoulders "what.?" i said wiping my tears "we will go to the new opened bar this night!"slightly clapping her hands while looking at me "do you think that would work?" Asking her "yeah for a bit,alcohol won't hurt if it isn't that much" she said, "fine,i'll go to our meet up place at 8 pm" I told her the made her excited.

We separated ways and got home, I turned on my tv to srart watching netflix,suddenly my phone rang signalling me there is a new message

Unknown number:
hi,erm is this still your number?

I was confused of who this number was, I ignored it and continued to watch netflix.

3 hours passed*

I woke up looking at the clock, it was 7 pm, I panicked to go shower and picked up my dress and heels

I woke up looking at the clock, it was 7 pm, I panicked to go shower and picked up my dress and heels

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After getting ready, I heard a knock in my door and I rad to pick it up

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After getting ready, I heard a knock in my door and I rad to pick it up.

"Okay sexy woman" kylie said while admiring my dress, I honestly feel confident today and that made me forget Tom slightly. "Let's go shall we?" I said to kylie "hope in" pointing out on a car.

Continuation will be posted earlier,ill judt take a break!

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