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Hello,I'm kinda lacking ideas for this story so suggestions and request are open!

Y/n's pov:
I was woken up by the sound of someone cooking downstairs while playing a music, realizing it was tom I came down to greet him good mornig and eat with him this morning, "goodmorning baby" I pouted to him "goodmorning my love" he said kissing me in my forehead "now just sit and wait for me to finish okay?" He said going back to his cooking.

5 minutes later*

He was finally done and then he gave me a plate and got the food ready infront of us.

He served me with a smile and sat down next to me,we started to talk while eating because that was our way of eating since we were together,then he opened a topic that was about the band

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He served me with a smile and sat down next to me,we started to talk while eating because that was our way of eating since we were together,then he opened a topic that was about the band.

"Uhm actually about the band,would you like to shop some clothes for our upcoming concerts? Cause you need to dress like us so you'll fit in more" he said drinking water after "I mean sure this afternoon?I have some money left here to buy some" I said responding "No,we will be using my money not yours" he said looking at me "are you sure with that? You don't need to" I said to him "I will pay for it I'm the man in this relationship babe" he said giving me a forehead kiss "okay then,you're the man blablabla" I said mocking him and giggling

After some time, we finished getting ready and arleasy hopped in his car,the whole time he was driving with just one hand,while his other hand was gripping on my thighs,while he was driving I asked a question, "don't you think paparazzi's are gonna make an issue with this?" I said kind of worried, "Maybe,we just got to act like friends then, not a couple cause some crazy bitches get to much aggressive sometimes" he said explaining "okay" I said with a kind of relieved tone.

We arrived at the mall in the entrance no one recognized us first,but then when we started getting close to the shop he always take a shopping with the band, fans started to swarm at us

"Who are you are you his girlfriend ?"
"Are you guys dating?"
"Omg film this there's a girl"

Tom and me hurried to the store and covered my face with his jacket,when we got to the store,the guards immediately closed the door,glad the glass in the store wasn't see through,so we'll be safe now.

"That was intense" I sai to Tom looking at him, "thats not their maximum craziness,Bill got hurt once with the crazy bitches" he said, "okay so where the clothes?" I said looking around "over here ma'am" the guy said while showing me the clothes

10 minutes later*

None of my matches with the tops and jeans was liked by Tom,it was all to soft for him and he says "try to do our style" all the time when I get out of the fitting room, until this one match brought his eyes widened

"Now that's it," he said grabbing my waist while smirking "now go to the cashier and buy that heres the card" he said grabbing the card from his wallet, "okay wait for me!" I said hurrying to yhe cashier and paying for it

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"Now that's it," he said grabbing my waist while smirking "now go to the cashier and buy that heres the card" he said grabbing the card from his wallet, "okay wait for me!" I said hurrying to yhe cashier and paying for it.

After we finished there was no paparazzi's around,and whe were kinda relieved when some girls approtme because Tom was kinda far away from me

"Hey bitch" the girl said swinging her bag to my face,while the other grabbed my hair,when Tom saw it he runned immediately to me and pushed the girls away from me,then me and him started running to his car and got to his car.

I was stunned,zoning out and crying for what happened, I didn't want this to happen,maybe I shouldn't have agreed to Tom earlier when he asked me and bought some things in online.

He saw me about to cry,and hugged me while kissing my head "I'm sorry baby,that'll never happen again I promise" he said trying to comfort me but tears still escaped from my eyes I looked at him and said that I wanna go home and take a breath,he drived fast so I can go and take a rest, I was still speechless of what just happened but I'm doing good then earlier

We just got home, I looked in the mirror seeing a scratch from my face from that bag and some bruise in my cheeks because the bag was kinda heavy, he treated my wound and bruises and kissed me, "I promise that all that girls who made that to you will get their karma" he said having a slight of an anger "I'm good now tom,don't think about it,right now I just need to get some rest," I said holding his face.

He leaded me to my room then he said he's just gonna smoke outside and come back and sleep with me wafter he finishes,I nodded as I grabbed my boanket and started sleeping.

That's it for today,thank you for reading!

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