The outcome

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Hi!this part of story will contain 🔞

Y/n's pov:
I woke up without Tom on my side again, I remembered it was friday,he spents his time with his band trying to compose a new music,so it was fine and I rushed to go down and make some of my breakfast,today is my first day not taking a stick for my morning meal.

I decided to go and shower then go to kylie's house and ask what happened with her life and that guy he was making out with on the bar the last day.

Minutes passed I finally came on her house and she greeted me with a warm hug, "heyy how have you beenn, I missed you girll" she said taking me in to her house "I'm good, how about that guy you were making out with on the bar? You atleast got his number right?" I said while sitting on her couch "yeah of course and he asked me on a date this night!" Kylie said jumping in happiness "too sad tom is with his band" I said and she looked at me with her shocked eyes "no,girl you didn't right" she responded "we did" "oh my fucking god,you guys are back together?" She said gasping "yes,what about it?" I said while trying to find something to watch "I don't care bitch but if he leaves you again I'm not gonna hesitate to kick his balls off girl" she said with a different tone "he changed don't worry" I responded "he changed blablabla" she responded by mocking me

2 hours later*

I said my goodbye to kylie after 2 hours of having this bonding with her,since she got a date I didn't think of having a sleep over in her house, I don't want to ruin her date tonight

I walked until I get to my apartment and saw Tom talking to a girl near to my apartment,the girl was a fan but being to touchy with him,I approached them greeting them a nice hello "Hi guys" I said looking at Tom, he seems to look cool and neutral, "oh are you a fan too? I can take pics of you with him" the girl said holding my arms "No thankyou because im his g-" "girl cousin" Tom cutting my words, kinda made me feel pain but didn't take it that serious,since me and Tom aren't officially partners outside because of his career that I might ruin if he said to his fans that i am his girlfriend. "Ohhh okay thank you Tom!" The girl said hugging him again that made me walk out of the seen walking straight to my apartment leaving the door open and I banged my door on my room not caring if Tom came with me

"Baby you know we aren't officially couples on outside yet please she was just a fan" he said while knocking at my door "fuck that fangirl being so touchy with you hugging you to much" I shouted at him making him destroy the lock in my door

"Are you jealous?" He said while holding my chin "fuck yeah I'm the girlfriend h-" he breaks my words by kissing me deeply and rough," does she get this from me though?" He said continuing to to undress me,grabbing my boobs while licking the other one, "how about this does she gets this?" He said making me mon soaftly while he does it, then I felt his manhood,he leaned closer to me making me feel it more "do you feel that?that's because of you,and can you tell me if that fangirl gets this? I shaked my head and he slapped me which made me whimper "answer me baby" he said looking at me with his dark eyes "no she don't get this t-tom" I responded while my cheeks were so red while enjoying the pleasure,minutes passed he entered,making me moan so loud that made him kiss me so the noise can be lessened, "not to loud baby,neighbours can hear us" he said then thrusting in me softly,but that thrust ended in rough,and deep thrust, which made both of us cum in each other,after all of that he sat and gave me a stick after doing it with him,then he asks, "now,tell me who I love more?" He said while gripping on my thighs "me,of course she does not get this" I said giggling, he kissed me on my forehead then we started watching a movie till we fall asleep.

I don't even know what to say but here it is,enjoy I guess🥹🥹

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