First stage

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We arrived at the club,it was so crowded even though it just had opened this day,many were making out,some of them were on the dance floor,and someones passed out on the floor just sleeping from drunkenness

"Dont worry girl,it's fine!" Kylie said because she saw me being uncomfortable, "girl this is not,haven't you saw the passed out dude on the floor?" I said panicking. "I think he has been here since the bar was open,we just arrived here stop panicking" kylie responded. "Fine,but we'll get home early aight? "I told her while having my one eyebrow raising up "Fine but for now just let us have fun" kylie holding my shoulders leading us to the bartenders.

"What can I serve you my ladies?" Said by the bartender, "Hi uhm can we have ladies drink? The stronger ones please" kylie spoke up "Oooh someone wants to get drunk tonight" the bartender jokingly said. I took my glass when the guy returned and started chugging, "woah slow down girl" kylie responded with my chugs "let me have this kylie just to forget Tom" kylie sighed and nodded afterwards.

2 hours passed*

My vision were blurry,the last memory I remember was me leaving kylie because she was making out with a random guy and she was super drunk, it's my 5th glass now and I already feel like going home and banging my body to my bed,

When my phone suddenly rang signaling me that I have someone calling my phone

*In call*

I can see you,stop drinking your already drunk


And who the fuck are you to stop me from drinking, idiot

*call ended*

His voice sounded familiar it sounded someone who is really close to me but can't tell who it is, I decided to go to the restroom and look out for kylie at the same time,and I saw her still with that guy dancing,I sighed and went to the restroom.

Tom's pov:

I saw her near to pass out because of the amount of alcohol she drank,I tried to call her and she answered,but she was drunk,that she can't even recognize my voice anymore,I'm kinda having the guilt for just leaving her not having a clue where I was, I didn't know what to do the time we were fighting and had to break up because of our pride rising I decided to make it up to her and came to follow her and drop her to her apartment.

Y/n's pov:

When i came out from the restroom someone banged me to the wall that made my sight even more blurry "you're going home" this voice was the same with the guy who called me on my phone "oh you're the one who's calling me huh,do you want me?" I said being sarcastic "I'm dropping you to your apartment" "how the fuck do you know were I live,fucking stalker"

Tom's pov:
After that she passed out,i carried her to my car and drove to her apartment,while driving I noticed her appearance,fuck. nothing changed.still my y/n..

I got her keys to her bag and banged her to her room,her room smells like sweat,and my cigarettes were still here,the fuck she didn't clean for almost two months? Is that how broken I made her?

After i got her to her bed,I did change her clothes and got her comfy and I started cleaning her room.

I kissed her forehead and was about to leave when she grabbed my hand pulling me to her bed

"Why kiss me? Can you do it again?" "Let me go y/n, I'm sure you recognize me" " hmmm no, but you really have a pretty handsome face"

I pulled my hand away when she fell asleep again, I do think i still have feelings for her,but I think she won't forgive me again.

Crawling back to you [Tom kaulitz]Where stories live. Discover now