Producing a music

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Sm*t warning 🔞🔞

Tom's pov:

I decided to wake upate since we are going to have our breakfast at the bands apartment,they told me last night to come over so we can go and produce a new song where y/n was in there too.

Minutes later I heard y/n getting up from our bed, "goodmorning my baby,are you tired?" She said going back to the bed scooting closer to me "no baby don't make breakfast today we'll be eating at me and the boys place aight?" I said hugging her closer to me "okay I'll just take a shower then get ready,wanna come with me?" I stood up as fast as I can and ran to the bathroom making her giggle a bit

Y/n's pov:

We waited for the car while watching a tv show,then minutes later someone knocked on our door,he opened it revealing the body guards telling us Bill told them to come and get us to take us in the apartment to be safe this time,we agreed and got to the back seat.

While the drive,Tom can't fight himself touching my thighs grabbing it kissing my neck,we made out on the backseat before we get to the apartment since the car was high tinted that no one would see us

We arrived at the apartment and there was so many of them girls and interviewers gathering up,they know what's happening when the guards come out of the apartment with no members with them.

This time we didn't got hurt and arrived at the apartment safely,I smiled at Tom since he made his promise come true.

Bill gave me a hug and told me "poor kia I know what happened to you last time,those bitches" he said and I tried not to ball my eyes out to cry on his shoulder

We sat on the couch but it seems like the band forgot what they were gonna do and started to bring out beers, "I thought you were going to compose a new somg" I said to tom "yea but the boys doesn't want to do it right now since we have to much time to do anything" he said opening a beer, I nodded and started going through my phone because I stopped drinking.

Minutes later i felt Tom's hand in my thighs,going lower and lower then he got to my womanhood, he teased me rubbing it making me stop my self from whimpering or moaning,the boys didn't see what he was doing since they were doing videoke so he scooted to me and started kissing my neck, then he ended up carrying me upstairs and throwing me to his bed.

He started kissing my body making me grab his neck,then he got lower and lower going to my entrance.

He started doing his thing while I stuffed my mouth with blangket since the boys would here us but then I was close to coming made me moan loud "don't be quiet,I want to hear you scream baby" he said continuing.

As we finished we got downstairs,I was walking with shaky legs and shirt full of sweat,Tom's face and neck were full of lipstick but he didn't bother to erase it before going down and sitting on the couch again, bill looked at tom saying "oh,did you guys have fun?" Bill said making gustav and georg laugh,then bill looked at me seeing me with a shirt full of swaet and my legs were still shaky "ohh,someone fucked kia to much leaving her legs shake that much" he said while looking to Tom making tom look shy and embarrassed

After some minutes the boys forgot about it and started to talk about a new song since they only had 2 beers while me and Tom was waiting for our part in the song to come.

Yeah that's it😭😭

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