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Y/n's pov:
I woked up from my nice bed sheet silk, I thought i was dreaming bacause i have never cleaned my bed and change it with silk bed sheet  that Tom gave me,when I opened my eyes i saw my room cleaned,with the fragrance that tom likes,his cigarette and lighter was gone on his table,then suddenly my phone rang from a call

"You were really drunk last night,you good now baby?" A mans morning voice called me "who the fuck are you" I said "calm down don't you really remember me? this is Tom baby"  I banged my phone to my bed for a second not believing it was him, "why are you calling then" "I'm just checkin you up,im worried" "you don't need to care about me,you left remember?" I ended the call when I felt tears escaped in my eyes

Its really early in the morning and im crying again, I stood up to smoke but my packs can't be found anywhere

You can't find cigarettes can't you? I soaked it with water then threw it out,starting today you can't,I can see you everywhere you go baby.

Wtf,he's crazy I can't even last that long without packs in 3 days, I'd go hallucinating

After I showered,I heard someone knocking on my door,when I opened it I saw a beautiful man,bandana on his head wearing all his baggy clothes,still beautiful as fuck.

"Now what the fuck do you want tom?" "I wanna fix things with you baby im really sorry" I banged the door not caring about him,minutes passed he hasn't go

"If you dont open this door I'm destroying it I don't care if you'll like it or not"

I opened the door looking at him trying not to cry remembering what he did say to me,it all still hurt and is making me cry all over when I think about it

"Why are you fighting your tears? Come on baby girl" he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him and he gave me a hug and kissed me on my forehead "I still fucking hate you for what you did,it made me so broken that i can't even take care of my self" I said while crying "I'm sorry you had to go through this,starting today im gonna take care of you and wait until you forgive me,I know you don't believe me but please give me a chance baby" his pleading eyes stared into my bloodshot eyes from crying "now stop crying aight? I'm gonna be back I'm just gonna grab something from the store" he said kissing my forehead and living in a rush

After minutes he came back with two packs of ciggarete and some of my favorite food,he still remember, he threw me the one pack of cigarette and made me grab a lighter because I have been craving since this morning


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