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Hello as I promised here it is!

Y/n's pov:

I woke up with swollen eyes,maybe I didn't notice I was crying the whole time I was zoning out, I checked my phone and it was tom's 34 missed calls, and 12 messages, it was almost afternoon and his message was sent early in the morning


Tom-hey babe i'm so sorry about last night I didn't know

Tom-I was drugged by crazy paparrazi's please answer

Tom-hello? Babe?

Tom-please answer

View 8 more messages*

I decided to stay at my apartment this time,because I was still sweating and i have swollen eyes, i'm gonna go and text Bill this night to come pick me up so me and Tom can talk more about what happenned


Y/n's pov:

Tom's messages stopped, I think he's still tired from last night.

I decided to take a bath and ice my swollen eyes so that I can text Bill to pick me up

I finished getting ready so I grabbed my phone and texted bill


Y/n- can you pick me up bill?

Bill-of course dear and that is a good idea, tom hasn't come out of his room since this morning, he didn't even ate the food we left in his door

Y/n-is he okay now?

Bill-yes but he is locking his self to his room because I told him what happened last night


I waited for Bill to knockon my door and finally we drove to their apartment,I was still kind of scared what if he isn't okay yet

15 minutes later*

Bill opened ny door and reached for my hand, we got into the apartment and I sat in their couch to wait for tom

Bill: i'm just gonna call him to come down okay?

Y/n:okay I'll wait

10 minutes later*

Bill:hey I think you have to go upstairs now,he thinks i'm just fooling him that you are jn here since you didn't answers his calls

I rushed upstairs almost stumbled in the stairs for rushing

Y/n:baby open the door please it's me

I heard tom, sobbing for the first time, he can't even say a word because he was sobbing so hard.

Tom:baby i'm sorry

Tom said still sobbing

Y/n:baby its okay now open the door pls

As the door opened I was tom,full of sweat,stil in his outfit from last night and was crying feeling sorry for me.

He suddenly hugged me tight wehen I came inside his room, I could feel him shaking and still crying

Y/n: baby don't worry it's okay now stop crying

After 10 minutes of comforting him, I decided to take him to their comfort room for a bath since he is still struggling to walk.

In the bathroom*

I lead tom to the bat thub and he sighed when he finally sat down.

I started putting soap in his arms and body,as he was still zoned out and pale

Y/n: are you really okay now baby?

He suddenly got up to reach for me and kissed me.

Tom: isn't that still okay for you? I can prove that i am okay now but we would need to be in a bed

He said laughing,I was relieved hearing his laughs.

Y/n:finally you talked and laugh,you made me worried since last night dummy

Tom: so do I you weren't answering my calls and text

He said rolling his eyes on me sarcastically

After I finished he got out of the bath thub, all wet, and obviously naked.

Tom: you like what you see?

Y/n: what if I do?

Tom:there's nothing wrong with that
He said winking before getting me up from the side of bath thub, going with him in his room so he can change before we go down stairs

I layed down to his bed,suddenly I felt his breaths in my neck,then kissing my cheek gently

Y/n: not now tom

Tom: why not

Y/n: just not now Bill is worried about you and cannot wait to see you down stairs

Tom:he could find put i'm fine by hearing you moan though?

He said and I sat down to his bed throwing a pillow to him

Y/n: you just recovered from some shit tom,are you serious right now

I said sarcastically

Tom: I told you i'm fine

Y/n: then we should go down stairs now


He said getting up grabbing my hand finally going down stairs

Bill: oh finally praise y/n

He said bowing down sarcasitcally,we laughed at him while we were on the couch

Bill: this time me and gustave will buy the foods, you won't get out from this apartment again unless it is about business


Bill: di you want to get drugged again hm?

Tom didn't answer and Istarted laughing

I'll update later!also I apologize for typo's if there is

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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