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Y/n's pov:

I woked up not finding Tom in our bed,but in the table I saw a tray of food and a note in the mirror

"Goodmorning babe,I'll be back with the boys,Bill Georg and Gustav,  I will be back at 1pm with them,I love you!"

I didn't mind because it was already 11:30, this was my waking up hours everyday and i got fine with it.

I ate the breakfast he gave me and started to go and take a bath,then I'm also planning on ordering foods before they get here and watch a movie

Minutes passed I finished taking a bath, I chose a comfy outfit since the boys are already my besties,I'm now sitting on my couch and watching tv show while I wait for them to come,the food also came already and I stocked it up on the table while waiting for them.

30 minutes later*

I heard someone knocking at my door,I opened it to reveal Bill without make up and soft hair, he was so cute in natural hair and face then gave me a hug

"It's so nice to see you againn schatz(sweetheart)" and then he gave me a cute smile,gustav and georg gave me fist bump while tom was the last to get in giving me a kiss on my forehead and grabbing my waist so I can go with him on the couch "so y'all came back together?okay that's nice" bill said while looking at me and Tom "long story but I fixed everything anyways" he responded looking at bill "you gotta do it right now tom because if you don't i gonna let y/n beat you" he said sarcastically, "yeah fine but we need to be in a bed then she'll beat me" he responded looking at me with his dark eyes,making me feel my cheeks warm "disgusting tom you're always so horny" everyone laughed

We watched a movie while eating the food I ordered, as we watched i felt Tom's hands gripping my thighs making me make a soft whimper,glad everyone was watching serious so no one heard me.

The movie was done leaving me and tom only the ones not falling asleep,I looked at tom who is near to fall asleep so I catch his head and rest it on my shoulder making me sleepy to, a minute passed and I heard tom say something "wanna f-" I covered his mouth as I know the boys would hear it "stop it Tom they're here" I said going back to sleep and that made him go sleep to.

Everyone left after they slept for almost 2 hours on my couch,Bill gave me a kiss on my cheek and a hug, gustav and georg was already on the car waiting for bill, Tom was still on the couch so I asked him if he wants to go with them "Tom aren't you going out with them?" I asked him making him look for a second "no I'm staying here" he said replying to me while looking at the tv "okay fine enjoy y/n tom" bil said while walking to the car living tom giggling at the couch.

As i sat back to the couch Tom picked me up and ran to my bedroom making me laugh because of his sudden funny action

"Now lets continue our cuddling" he said snuggling up to my neck and giving it kisses "I love you Tom" I said while looking at him, he wasn't replying and I saw him sleeping again,such a lazy man, I don't mind he's handsome anyways,I started felling asleep to and continued to cuddle the whole night.

Sorry I've been busy from school this afternoon😗

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