Haikyuu x reader (pt1)

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A notification sounded on your phone, interrupting the silence around you as you pondered on how to start the day. Living alone isn't all its cracked up to be... Walking from the living room to where you left your phone on the kitchen counter, you picked it up and read the following message from your two friends.

'Hello, did you get the email yet? Yachi is too nervous to type.'

'I haven't checked, i'm afraid I won't get in for some reason >~<'

'That's what she's been saying, at least do it for her, she's been holding her head and pacing for the last twenty minutes.'

'Fine, give me time.'

'Hope to see you there Y/n.'

Switching from the group chat to your email, you held your breath as it loaded, you didn't really sort through it that often so it had to load quite a lot. Several colleges of a higher caliber had given you offers, which you denied, academically you were gifted, socially not so much. This mattered when trying to pick a college, the more prestigious the prissier the people. You had only met Yachi and Kiyoko because your number was added to a group text on accident since your number is similar to Yachi's, even if it was an accident you got along with them, which is even odder since they're ladies. The email you were waiting for pulled up, taking a screenshot you sent it to them, not reading it yet.

'Attachment sent: I didn't read it, tell me.'

'You got accepted, really you shouldn't have been worried, it's a rather public college with many students.'

'If it's so basic why are you joining then?'

'Many of my highschool friends will be there, you should meet them.'

'I agree, they're really nice when you get to know them! Well most of them.'

'Male or female?'

'Male unless they've decided otherwise.'

'A bunch of guys, just the way you like it!'

'That sounded so wrong Yachi...'

'I see that now... I'm going to get offline now...'

'Shygal is offline'

'Did you have to point that out...?'

'Yeah, I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't~'

'You're rather close to the campus right?'


'Lucky, we have to take the bus or train, it's not much of a ride but still.'


'Anyway I have to go now, Yachi is still having an existential crisis.'

'Tell her to calm down, it's not as bad as the first time she met me~'

'Goddess is offline'

Setting the phone down you got dressed, your apparel could be considered lazy or overly casual but it's not cutesy or skimpy, elegance is rather costly and gives off the wrong impression of your personality. You're not elegant, you deny that you're cute even though you are five foot two inches, and skimpy isn't an option because you give a damn! Having hyped yourself up, it was time to throw on your loose jacket, plain tee-shirt, and semi-ripped jeans. Your sneakers were athletic and the only part of your outfit that costed anything in excess. They're not top of the line but they are expensive and effective in helping you run and jump a little faster. By running and jumping you mean away from people you bothered a little more than you should've. Needless to say you've taken a few self defense classes since then... Now that you were dressed you tied your hair up in a bun and pulled a beanie over it, you're not trans, nor did you identify as a male but if you let your hair down wearing these clothes then you'd get a million questions. Leaving people in the dark about your gender, at least while in public, spared you. If anyone you didn't like asked you'd act offended, if you didn't know them but liked their vibe then you'd tell them. Once you knew them you'd explain why. Besides your features were feminine, you had breasts but your loose fitting clothing hid them well. Heading towards a local cafe, you stopped to pet a stray cat it hung around your house quite often and knew to avoid the street. You'd keep it in the house but were worried it would get too lonely so you let it remain outside. Today the cat you assumed was female was extra clingy, hoisting her up on your shoulder you kept walking.

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