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Koganegawa's POV

Yesss! It's my turn, but i'm too nervous to lay with her... I don't understand how some of the guys do it, we barely know her but Bo was in here holding her like a teddy bear. Such confidence! I'm confident too, but I don't want to scare her off, or make her more upset... Why is this so complicated!!?? Sitting on the edge of her bed I slouched down a bit, glancing over at her to make sure she isn't having a nightmare. She looks okay, I wonder what the group chat is talking about right now.

-Volleyball Uni GC-

Cockatiel: What have i missed

Hoshi: Don't ask

Yams: They want to kill Tsukki!!!

Rooster: We never said that...

NotArson: Not at all~

Paparazzi: Kuroo don't snitch

Cockatiel: Is he even in the chat

Yams: He is, he's mad and trying to figure out what to type

Salt: I don't understand why the hell you're all making a big deal she's just another girl

She walked into the gym wearing different clothes and suddenly you're all over her

You're even at her house like you're old friends

Why and why is she letting you

What does she have to gain from this making you all her test subjects?

MadDog: Stop

You're wrong

I asked her if she's still analyzing me and she said she stopped

Because and I quote 'It can get annoying i'm sure'

Salt: That doesn't prove anything

Just that you're invested like them

She's nice too nice and you guys are probably using her too

-'Salt' has left the chat-

-'Yams' has left the chat-

Goddess: Don't overthink what he said

I know you're all good guys

Even Terushima

I wouldn't let Y/n around you otherwise

Rooster: But is he right

Are we using her without even realizing it?

Ushijima: I don't believe so.

Kawa~<3: No

I feel drawn to her

Guess that's how her old friends were

Goddess: You'd be right

Y/n is just that type of person

Yet as you've seen it can irritate others, whatever you do don't distance yourself from her after this

Then again don't cling to her get to know Y/n personally

ShyGal: And maybe keep Tsukishima away from her

I don't like seeing her upset, she's come a long way from when we first met her.

Cockatiel: I don't either i'm watching her right now ^w^

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