Haikyuu x reader: Options (pt2)

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Look, I know college doesn't entirely work this way, and that the characters may be a little off from canon but it's a fanfic, what do you expect. I'll try to spread out time with each character but there's so many ._.

Kiyoko's POV

The orange head of hair came back through the small opening, no one else was with him.

"She's asleep, Hiroo says leave them alone."

"I'm going in there myself, he's the same height so it shouldn't be a problem."

"You're going to concuss yourself hitting your head, he's used to that environment, you aren't."

"His hair will act as a helmet, he'll be fine."

"Tsukki!" Without further debate Kuroo crouched in.

Kuroo's POV

When the hell did he have the time to make an entire nest in here?! Crawling closer I noticed that Y/n is indeed sleeping, in this sneaks arms! He has her hat on again too!

"What do you think you're doing?!" Whisper yelling is all I could manage in while keeping her in mind.

"Dunno, what do you think i'm doing~? Surprised that a gym full of people didn't see her vanish, what else didn't you notice~?"

"I need to wake her up, she has a job to do."

"You her boss or something~?"


"Her boyfriend~?"

"No, not yet."

"Then I don't see the problem~ She agreed it's not like I kept her against her will, I didn't think she'd fall asleep either to be honest."

"I hate to do this but i'm waking her up, from what Kiyoko said this could be serious." Moving her hair back I gently tapped her face. She stirred a bit before turning around and... Hiding her face in Hiroo's chest.

"So you've chosen death."

"I didn't do anything~" Talking normally I figured maybe a verbal wake up would work.

"Hey, Y/n, wake up." Nothing. Shaking her carefully finally did the job, blinking up at Hiroo she quickly understood her position and rolled away until she bumped into me.


"You're fine, little cutie~ Come on, Sakusa's waiting."


Back to your POV

Embarrassment filled your veins like blood itself, you didn't know why but the warmth from his b-body made you feel safe, like you're not alone for once...

"Hide me Kiyokooo!" Clutching onto her jacket sides you buried your face into her back.

"Did you find her yet~?" The man talking must be the rude guy she warned you about.

"Not now Tsukkishima, come on let's get you to Sakusa, grab your bag." Doing as she said you kept your gaze focused downward.


Staying ten odd feet away you suited up, in full med gear you gave a polite greeting and asked him a few questions.

"Are you okay with me checking you?"

"You don't have a medical degree, but I trust your judgement to a point."

"I'll take that as a yes. Have you been getting headaches?"

Haikyuu x reader: OptionsWhere stories live. Discover now