Haikyuu x reader (pt10)

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Heavier themes when the flashback starts. (Above is a poorly drawn image of Y/n asking Yamaguchi about Tsukki)

Back to your POV

Thankfully no one had gotten pressure washed, mainly because you convinced Sakusa to lower the 'weapon'. Once he had pried everyone away from you he quickly threw you a spare jersey and a box of wet wipes. You'd shower later anyway but you couldn't leave until paperwork and assessments were completed. The jersey has his number and name, but is rather... Bright? In color. Must be from his highschool, it's too soon to start that nonsense again. Why are guys so enamored with this sort of thing, having a woman where their things? It's like a possessive thing, isn't it? You had finished wiping yourself down, stepping out of the bathroom you were met with Atsumu looking absolutely betrayed.

"And ta think we had a moment, I can't believe ya."


"Omi's jersey! Why aren't ya wearing one of mine?!"

"Do you even have a spare with you?"

"Not the point!"

"Well i'm not going to wear a sweaty shirt, that's gross." He set his sights on Sakusa, shouting his name then running up to him. This probably won't end well, ignoring the one sided fight you grabbed your paperwork from the bench and called the other two over. Since you're relatively new to being a medic, you have to complete certain assignments and check-ups to insure you're doing your job properly.

"Okay, Bokuto. I need to check your shoulder since you seem to put heavy strain on it through your constant hits."

"So many!" He's very happy about this, so happy in fact he doesn't realize you need him to sit down.

"Sit, please." When he sat down you gently held his arm up, which he aided in otherwise you'd be struggling, and had him rotate it while you felt of his shoulder. Unfortunately you had to press rather firmly to feel anything since he's very muscular. It would be a lie to say you're not blushing in the slightest. It's like seeing a massive Pitbull or wolf behave like a puppy. Shaking off these wandering thoughts, you finished your assessment.

"Nothing seems wrong, but if it ever suddenly hurts or aches be sure to tell me. Hinata, please take a seat." He looks nervous. He must be thinking of this as an actual doctors visit. Repeating your motions you checked his shoulder as well, once you were done he tried to get up but you put a hand on his head to stop him.

"I also need to check your ankles since you jump higher and more often." Thankfully for you he had changed his socks too, otherwise you'd probably be trying to suppress a gag or two. You had him roll his ankles and you gently pressed on the back of the ankle to see if it was painful or swollen in any way.

"Is everything okay?" Gosh, he's like that one hamster picture you keep seeing online. Pure cinnamon roll dyed orange.

"You're all good, Hinata. Same thing I told Bokuto, if you have any pains or aches that don't go away, please tell me." He visibly relaxed.


"Do ya need to check me out~?"

"Technically, yes. Are you going to behave?"

"Depends, what do I get from this?" Dead panning you turned to Sakusa who was glaring from the other side of the gym. He understood and took a seat over there, ignoring the whines from Atsumu you once again checked the aces wrist.

"Does is still hurt as badly?"

"It's slightly better. I assume i'll have to refrain from practice and ice it."

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