Jen Neton (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2)

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(Jen's music theme)

(Jen's music theme)

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Name: Jen Neton

Age: 18

Specialization: Jedi Sentinel

Side of the Force: first Light then Dark and again Light

Love Interest: Atton Rand

Born on the planet Taanab, Jen first several years also lived in a foster family (just like my Revan). In fact she's Kreia's daughter, about what she found out only at the end of KotOR 2 events, Kreia told her this.

I already mentioned in the previous chapter that my Revan is the Sith Emperor's daughter, but Jen is also special, she's a Jedi Empath, such ones are even far more rare than those who have Battle Meditation skills. And that's why the destruction of Malachor V so affected Jen, that made the Council fear...

Jen's first boyfriend was Alek Squinquargesimus, but they broke up after the war when Jen refused to follow him and Revan. Revan was upset my Jen's desision, but she let Jen go. Alek however said that he now doesn't want to do anything with Jen and in fact the only woman he loves, is Revan (but their love is platonic and Revan understands this; his betrayal was very unexpected).

Jen's second love were Atton Rand and Mical, but she send the latter away once finding out, that he was a Republic spy.

Here's the real Jen:

Here's the real Jen:

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