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CHAPTER FIVE. Graham Estate.

    "JESUS CHRIST!" Victoria whispered to herself, rubbing her tired eyes

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"JESUS CHRIST!" Victoria whispered to herself, rubbing her tired eyes. A barging knock erupted loudly through the large Graham estate, that held no one but Victoria, as her parent's were away in London for business, and her sister had joined them in visiting friends. Victoria always enjoyed the peace and quiet that was left when the rest of her kin were away.

Her palm met the cold, gold plated doorknob, swinging open the tall white door. The dark gloomy night shielded most of the dim street, rows on rows of rich, luxurious houses lined along the concrete block. The only thing giving this identity away to Victoria was the lightbulb that held itself on the Graham porch light.

"Hi, love." Cook heavily breathed, gently laughing, showing he had ran all the way there with no stopping.

"Wh- how do you know where I live?" Victoria's eyebrows had furrowed from confusion, leaning her body on the doorframe of the entryway.

"Freddie." He shrugs, scratching the back of his neck, shaking off any damp hair he had received from the pouring rain. Victoria released a huff, rubbing her eyes. "Can I come in?"

Yawning, she slowly nods her head, taking a step to the side to grant Cook entry. "Why are you here?" She shuffled her way towards her kitchen, pulling out a mug to create some sort of warm tea contraption. Her eyes wandered to the oven clock, the time reading 3:17 AM. She huffed at this, pinching the bridge of her nose shortly. "Want some tea?" She glances to where Cook awkwardly stood, the boy nodding, shortly striding towards the blonde.

"I, uh, wanted to-" His words stiffed, inhaling a hefty breath. "Apologize for yesterday." He mutters, leaning against the cream coloured wall of the luxurious kitchen.

Victoria hummed, quirking an eyebrow as she glanced to him. "Thanks." She whispered, mixing a small amount of honey with her tea. "But you were a dick — so I'm not accepting it. Whether our relationship is real or not, no guy should treat their girlfriend like that. I don't know if you've ever been in a real relationship before, but I'll have to teach you some common manners." Vic glared, handing off one of her mother's mugs to Cook.

Grunting with no response, Cook stayed silent — unable to say anything else other than apologize for something he didn't feel was necessary. "I'm sorry."

"You already said that."

"Well- fuck! Are you a fuckin' detective or something? Of course I already said that, and I'll say it again until you forgive me and stop being such a bitch over this." Cook abruptly shouts, harshly placing his dish back onto the marble counters. Victoria's eyes narrowed, staring at him with frustration.

"I don't want a fucking apology, Cook. I want you to admit that you were wrong and you need to learn not to treat me or any girl that way, you piece of shit." She couldn't help but snap, becoming aggravated by his nasty remarks and reply's.

VICTORIA'S SECRET, Skins UkWhere stories live. Discover now