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CHAPTER SIX. Spirit Animal.

     "WAKE UP!" Cook heard as a soft cushioned pillow slammed into his face, awaking of his slumber

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"WAKE UP!" Cook heard as a soft cushioned pillow slammed into his face, awaking of his slumber. Startled, Cook jolted up, groaning at the sudden movement he had just took. His eyes grimaced in pain from the light shining through the large bright windows of the Graham estate home. Out of the crystal clear glass, were the tips of the largely newly trimmed hedges in the middle of a clean-up — the greenery being snipped of it's growth.

Once Cook's eyes had finally adjusted to the stinging pain, his bright blue eyes glared up at Victoria, who's face was plastered with annoyance. "What are you doing?" She pranced across the room through the arches that entered into the dark green kitchen. Cook had now gotten a good look of the house he was camping in, his body twisting around
in a 360 motion.

"Christ," His hand runs to the back of his neck, scratching in awe. "I, was uh, sleeping. Clearly." He motioned back to the couch, yawning. He watched as Victoria rolled her eyes, peeling open a new packet of coffee. She began heating up a boiling pot of water on her classic steel shining stove, brushing her hands off on her light blue washed jeans that she wore. Cook couldn't help but examine her body figure. Hell, he was in awe of how a person could look so well in such simple clothing. Cook had always seen her in the most expensive types of clothing, he had never taken in her looking like everyone else. Her bright clothing options made her stand out, but not in a bad way.

"Stop staring." She mutters; uncomfortable by his blank stare.

"I wasn't staring." He huffs, taking a seat on the white leather high top chair that was perfectly centred in front of the island counters.

"You sure?" The pot boiled, her faint smirk forming onto her face not leaving Cook's sight. Speechless, he could only flip her off — his freckled hand coming into her view. Victoria couldn't help but chuckle, tucking her blonde coastal golden hair behind her ear. "We have to leave in a minute." She murmurs, passing Cook a hot boiling cup of coffee. Taking one single sip, Cook dramatically gagged, throwing the brown liquid into the stainless steel sink. Victoria scoffed, giving him a look of annoyance.

"Where are we going?" He rubs his tired eyes, pinching his closed, wrinkled lids to try and rid him of his exhaustion.

"School." She says in a duh type tone, sipping onto her energizer.

"Fuck." He mumbles into the palms of his hands, shaking his head.
"Do we have to go?"


"Shit, you're such a mum." He whispers, lifting up from the leather chair, sauntering towards her. His hands fall onto the counter in front of Victoria, Cook's arms locking her in. Vic's body faced away from him, while his chest met her back. Her breathing slightly sped up, swallowing one last sip of her beverage, before bending under Cook's arm, escaping his grasp. Her cup fell into the sink, making a clattering noise. Cook jumped at the sudden eruption, his eyes clenching shut.

VICTORIA'S SECRET, Skins UkWhere stories live. Discover now