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CHAPTER FOURTEEN. Cupid Hearted Lips.

    VICTORIA GRAHAM had always loved her birthday, but this year had changed drastically

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    VICTORIA GRAHAM had always loved her birthday, but this year had changed drastically. For an unknown reasoning, the idea of turning seventeen was more of a nightmare than a dream. She imagined it much as a child, fantasizing about growing up and having her own home, going off to school in America, falling in love and having a handful of children. But as of recently, that had now all horrified her.

    She couldn't imagine raising a child or loving another human being until death. She didn't believe she'd be able to devote herself in the way they'd need her. The future she had imagined for herself seemed worthless.

    The recent events had caused her to fall into a spiral. An embarrassing one, at that. The people around her had noticed a shift in her attitude, bugging her about it constantly. But she had just ignored them, trying her best to keep up this cloak that she'd hope would last long enough to hide her feelings away.

    This evening, Victoria would be surrounded by all of her friends, along with half of the school after Effy and Katie had spread the news about the party. Victoria wasn't exactly thrilled by the idea of having a swarm of strangers stuffed in her house but didn't want to irritate anyone else. She decided to be quiet and enjoy her night, just as her mother had told her.

    Her parents had decided to let Victoria take over the house, as long as Rowan was present. Knowing the consequences of arguing, she decided against it and agreed. Her parents were somewhere in London where her grandparents were housed, surely drinking their minds away, not giving a second thought to their two children.

    Victoria didn't mind, she was happy to spend her birthday with the people she cared for. Then again, she was imagining the worst. Victoria's mind was only crowded by negativity recently, doubting everything in her life. Especially the relationships she had created. She needed some sort of help, a sign, almost. She was so lost in life and was almost reaching out for something to grab and save her.

    Her night with Freddie was exactly a week ago. Meaning that it had been exactly a week since she had last seen Cook, as well. He had been missing the entire time, and no one had heard from him. It worried Victoria horribly, especially since she knew it was all her fault. She felt an incredible amount of guilt, and wished he'd reach out to her in any way possible. She had sent him a series of messages, apologizing for the damage she had done. The last one sent was her inviting him to her party that'd be occurring in only three hours.

    She didn't know if he'd show, but a part of her prayed that he would. It wasn't idle for her to speak and apologize to him in the middle of a celebration, but she didn't care. She knew she needed to fix things with him.

    Platonically, of course.

    "Gold or blue?" Victoria had heard from the corner of the room but didn't process it until Katie had snapped her fingers across Victoria's face, startling the girl. Her eyes jolted towards her friend that sat beside her, her leg bouncing uncontrollably. "Vicky, gold or blue!" Pandora had raised her voice to gain Victoria's attention, surprising her.

VICTORIA'S SECRET, Skins UkWhere stories live. Discover now