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    "IS THIS ONE COOK OR FREDDIE?" Rowan glances up to Victoria as the two stride down the long hallway of the Graham estate, smirking at her sister deviously

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"IS THIS ONE COOK OR FREDDIE?" Rowan glances up to Victoria as the two stride down the long hallway of the Graham estate, smirking at her sister deviously.

"Shut the fuck up." Victoria sneers, shoving her sister. Rowan snickered, following Victoria like a puppy dog in need for food. The house was filled with the lingering scent of glamorous assortments of freshly handmade food that Victoria's parents personal chefs had created for the evening.

Victoria was on edge about the entire thing. Less than 24 hours ago, Freddie and Victoria were huddled in that kitchen, using that exact stove, pulling ingredients out of that exact fridge and pleasuring themselves on that exact kitchen island.

Don't worry, it had been cleaned.

Thinking about how Victoria's fake boyfriend would be now meeting her parents was surreal. Victoria never really enjoyed the introducing part of relationships, especially when parents were involved. She found it embarrassing, almost. She was easily grossed out by the causality's of relationships, but she never understood why. She didn't like all the typical things that came along with a relationship, and simply preferred everything being simple and not extravagant.

The worst part of this entire event, was that Cook wasn't even a real boyfriend. It was all a game, and the game had gone on for too long.

Victoria's mind was everywhere. Yes, she enjoyed her night with Freddie and wanted it to last forever, but Cook's overwhelming amount of affection today put her off. She was almost concerned Freddie had slipped some sort of information to Cook about last night, but then again, they were currently on the outs.

Victoria's main concern was what would happen after it all. When she would end it with Cook, where would this leave her and Freddie? Would this lead them into something more than friends? Victoria was unsure. She knew that not only would Effy be betrayed, but Cook might as well be. He knew what the plan was from the start. Surely Effy and Cook were sharing intimate late nights together days prior, making Victoria's nerves slightly ease. He couldn't possibly be angry at her for ending it to be with Freddie, right? No. No way. This was his idea — not hers. He had no right to be angry with her.

The amount of anxiety Victoria had just been drowned in was suffocating her. Her palms had become sweaty, her fingers clenched against her palm as if she's gripped on to a ledge, not prepared to let go just yet. Her eyes were frantic — bolting around each edge of the long corridor room that her and Rowan walked along. Her eyes were buzzing, the numbing sound of sizzling pans and hefty foots steps being blocked out all by her screaming internal voices.

Rowan was the first to enter the tall living room that was haunted with tunes of classical music, barely drowning out the chattering voices. Before making her first few steps into the room, Victoria had froze — hoping she'd find a way in such a short amount of time to calm herself. Victoria's ears had easily caught the voice of Cook, her eyes cringing shut as she inhaled a large breath.

VICTORIA'S SECRET, Skins UkWhere stories live. Discover now