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    VICTORIA'S HANDS shook nervously as she entered into the hallways of Roundview College

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    VICTORIA'S HANDS shook nervously as she entered into the hallways of Roundview College. Her party was two weeks ago, and Victoria had been absent ever since. Though she was scared to face Cook, her leave was due to going on holiday with her family as a surprise birthday present.

    Victoria and Cook hadn't spoken after his confession. Her silence said everything Cook needed to hear, it seemed, as right after he was finished speaking, he ran out of the room. Was it in anger? In fear? Victoria didn't know. The lack of communication between the two was driving her wild.

    Cook was the only thing she could think about for the past two weeks. She wasn't sure if she missed him, or if it was his confession that was held over her head, making her mind race with him inside.

The heels that Victoria wore on the bottom of her feet clicked against the much-needed polish floor as she walked to her locker, her steps quickly paced. Once she had made it to her destination, she flew open the metal locker, beginning to shuffle through the neatly set-up storage container.

Her facial expression contained furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips as she focused on searching for her maths textbook. An odd feeling bubbled in her stomach as she listened to the students behind her mutter gossip. She wasn't sure if she was going mad, but Victoria could have sworn she heard her name come from multiple peoples mouths, worrying her.

She glanced around the hallway in confusion, noticing multiple sets of eyes settled on her, but not in the normally, lustful way. Their eyes were filled with amusement and secret. They knew something she didn't.

    Slamming her locker shut, the murmuring students silenced themselves, all going their own way. Victoria released a sigh of relief at this, readjusting the multiple sets of books in her arms so they'd comfortably sit as she walked to class.

    Waiting in her classroom was a group of people she was dreading to see. Narrowing her eyes, Victoria scanned the room for a certain person who made himself obviously known by the swarm of women around him. Victoria scoffed at this, rolling her eyes ack before beginning to walk towards her group of friends who were in the midst of a conversation when she sat down. 

"Hey, guys." Victoria smiled brightly, fixing her skirt that rose up as she sat. The group all turned to her, their expressions blossoming with joy at her presence.

"Vic! We're so happy you're back." Katie reached forward to grab Victoria's hand, clutching it with might. "We have so much to tell you." The girls, Effy, Pandora, Emily and Naomi all nod their heads, agreeing with Katie.

"What's happened?" Victoria's eyebrows furrow, leaning slightly forward to engage in a more hushed conversation.

"Cook and Freddie is what happened." Effy unpleasantly grumbled, rolling her eyes that the mention of the two boys names.

VICTORIA'S SECRET, Skins UkWhere stories live. Discover now