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CHAPTER FIFTEEN. She Was Their Angel.

    THE FORCE of Victoria's arms slinging around Tony's frail neck caused him to be tugged down by her weight

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THE FORCE of Victoria's arms slinging around Tony's frail neck caused him to be tugged down by her weight. His body hunched over to accept Victoria into his embrace, while also looping his own arms around her fragile waist — the feeling was all too familiar to them, leaving a sense of peace in their hearts.

Victoria's eyes shut, holding him tighter than she had ever held a person. She was worried if she'd open her eyes, she'd wake up and realize it was all a dream. But then again, in Victoria's eyes, Tony was always a dream — a dream she'd wish would replay every moment. The way he felt, the way he smelt, even the way he breathed was something Victoria never thought in a million years she'd be able to experience ever again.

Her one birthday wish came true.

The feeling of reconnecting with a person you had longed for over the past year was indescribable. Victoria felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders in such a fast moment. She had so much to say, so much to express and tell him. Losing Tony wasn't just leaving behind a boyfriend, but as well as a best friend. That was who he was — her best friend; the one person in the world who knew her better than anyone. No one would ever know her the way he did.

Snuggling into the crook of his neck, a chill ran down her spine. Her hands began to shake uncontrollably, her heart beginning to race faster than it ever had. She was speechless, at a loss of words. Her entire body felt as if it had suddenly been resurrected to life after laying alone, and cold for an eternity.

Tony was her life support.

"I can- can't believe you're here." Victoria whimpered, her words were fumbling out of her quivering lips, earning a low chuckle from Tony, his laughter rattling through her body. It felt  as if they were glued together, experiencing each other's emotions and movements each little step, they took.

"I wouldn't miss your birthday, Tor." Tony allowed himself to slump against her, knowing she'd catch him. She did. He couldn't let go out of her. Not now, maybe not ever. This glowing feeling their hearts felt placed in their chests was something that was too addicting to let it be taken away so soon. "I missed you so fucking much." His words were fragile. He was horrified that if he spoke any louder, he'd completely break down and allow the tears he was fighting off to fall.

"I missed you too." Victoria inhaled a hefty breath in hopes it'd calm down her breathing, but nothing seemed to work. "Oh, uh-" She cleared her throat, hesitantly backing away. She never would've done this if they weren't standing in the cold night air, with everyone watching them. But she wanted Tony to herself. No one was allowed to enjoy the mere existence of him on her birthday expect her.

Bashfully, she faced all the shocked expressions from the exchange. Her cheeks grew red, her hands suddenly clamping together to ease her of this awkwardness. "Guys," Victoria stared straight towards Freddie and Cook, the two boys staring with horror, but also with a hint of intimidation. "Th- this is Tony."

VICTORIA'S SECRET, Skins UkWhere stories live. Discover now