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CHAPTER SEVEN. So Wrong, But So Right.


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    "I NEED TO TALK TO YOU." A hand dragged Victoria into an empty classroom, her body being pulled away from her wide open locker — leaving it and Emily with it. Victoria groaned, stumbling in, her footing catching her.

    "What the fuck." She turned around, breathing heavily as her heartbeat had sped up. "Freddie?" She stared at him in confusion, throwing her books onto an empty desk. "What is it?"

    "What is it?" Freddie shook his head. "What is it?" He repeated, his voice shouting at her, causing her to flinch.

    "Don't fucking yell at me." She shoved him back with her hands. "What the hell did I do?"

    "You told Effy we fucked!"

    "No I fucking didn't. She just figured it out on her own." Victoria rested her palms onto the brown clean desk, her back facing away from Freddie.

    "You hinted it to her, now she broke up with me, because of you."

    "Oh go fucking cry about it to your dad, Freddie. She was going to find out sooner or later, grow up and realize what you did was fucking wrong. I'll admit it — I'm a shitty person and fucked my best friends boyfriend. But at least I didn't do it twice. And at least I didn't fucking know — unlike you, where you did it with no fucking hesitation. So don't put all the god damn blame on me when it's your fault, not mine." Her head peered over her shoulder, snarling her words.

    "Jesus christ." He shook his head.

    "Don't act like you're so hurt about it." Victoria turned around, facing him with her arms crossed. "If you really loved her, you wouldn't have done it."

    "I do love her."

    "Do you? 'Cause, I know I'm not an expert on love, Freds, but I know what love looks like. And that-" Her finger pointed towards the exit.
"-That isn't love. That's two people who are trying to rebound each other to get over the actual person they're in love with. So if that's your version of love I feel bad for your future girlfriend." Her head shook, falling to the ground. "You can't just put all the blame on me to feel less shitty for yourself, Freddie."

"I know that." He whispers, taking a step towards Freddie. "I don't feel bad for what we did." He admits, taking another step. "I feel bad that I don't feel bad."

"That doesn't make any sen-" Her lips were cut off by another set puckering onto hers. Her actions were caught off guard, freezing in the moment as Freddie's hands slithered their way around her waist, pulling her into his body. Realizing what was happening in the moment brought her back to reality. Her hands set onto his chest, shoving him away. "What the fuck, Freddie! Yo- you can't do that. You just broke up with your girlfriend, a- and Cook and I-"

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