Chapter 9

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Word Count: 2331

Averie's POV

"Bye bye, see you t'morrow," I say before dashing out the door and leaving them in the dust.

I wait by the front door because I know I'd get yelled at if I ran out the door. Grandma screamed at me once, that was scary.

"Alright thank you," Taylor says to the front desk lady, why can't I ever remember her name?

"Okay, Averie, we're gonna go home and have a snack and then some quiet time. And if we're feeling up for it afterward maybe you can show me the yogurt shop?" Taylor explains as she pushes the door open. I don't run away this time because I don't know which car is hers. Also, did she just say yogurt shop like Daddy's old work?

"So the car is right over here, your car seat is behind Greg," she tells me before shuffling around to lead me to the door of the tall SUV. Well, how are my little legs supposed to get up there?

"Do you want some help?" she asks as I size up the car. I turn and nod silently, trying to not give in too much. I need her help, but that doesn't mean I like her.

Taylor pulls off my backpack before lifting me into my car seat. I keep a firm grasp on my blankie because no one better take it from me.

"Okay, can you put your arms through?" Taylor holds my buckles out but I don't particularly want her help. I give her a glare before slowly, very slowly moving my arms. She is probably annoyed but she doesn't let it show. She almost looks at me with pity maybe?

It takes what feels like years because I'm uncooperative for  us to get on going our way home and I'm hungry. I want a cookie or even better some chocolate milk. That's the best.

Maybe I can trick Taylor into making me some?

I start plotting my next move as she chats away with the strange man in the front. I don't remember his name but he shows up at my house every so often now. It's not as weird but I still don't enjoy it. He likes to eat sandwiches and play on his phone while Taylor frantically gets ready to leave.

One time I hid her shoes under the couch and she ran late to an appointment. It was a little funny, but Daddy made me sit in time out after I laughed too much.

Taylor kept glancing over at me every so often. I don't know why she sat in the back, if I was an adult I'd sit in the front. That's the cooler seat.

The next time she looks at me I give her my best side eye because why does she keep looking at me. I'm just hanging out here with my blankie until we get home.

Once the driving man, Greg, parks, Taylor helps me unbuckle and get out of the car. She carries my backpack because it's too heavy for me now as I race towards our apartment door.

I hope one of them remembered the key or this would be weird. It takes ages for them to catch up to me and both are worried. I don't know why I've been waiting for them at the door. I'm very patient.

"Averie, you can't just run off like that. What if you got hurt or something?" Taylor warns me with a worried look. Hmm that's not a look I get often when I at my Daddy's. It's usually just anger.

I shrug my shoulders not wanting her to get mad. She's probably really scary when she's mad. I don't know though I've never seen her angry.

"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to scare you. I am just worried about you Aves," she explains as she unlocks the door. They do have a key, my little heart cheers.

"Okay," I whisper back. She called me Aves. Only she used to call me that. Is Taylor gonna be crazy like her? I don't want her. She wasn't nice to me in the end.

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