Chapter 25

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Word Count: 2224

Averie's POV

Life is a complete snooze-fest. That's what Uncle Patty calls it when he's bored. I am bored, no one wants to play with me here. And when they do, they never do it right like Taylor did. They always spill their tea during a tea party, choose the wrong color, or sometimes they'll meow wrong when we're playing kitties. Cats don't always need to talk but for some odd reason Grandpa thinks they do so he always meows weirdly and then I don't wanna play anymore.

Also, I don't know what time change is but it's stupid. I don't know why time changes because that's absolutely ridiculous. I think it's strange that we aren't all on the same time. But apparently, Taylor is behind us by five whole hours. So when I go to bed, it's only the afternoon for her. That means sometimes she's still at work which makes it hard to talk to her. When I get out of school most days, she's not awake or she is awake but busy. It's frustrating for me. I made Daddy force her to send me a video of her cats so I could send one back that the cats could see. It was a weird way to meet them but we couldn't seem to be free at the same time when she was home. I also needed a video of her cats to show Grandpa how real cats act. In my mind, they can talk so I just talk like normal sometimes.

I want her to come back. I really don't like that she lives so far away from us. I'm also sort of worried that Daddy might leave to see her without me. I don't want that to happen.

"Nugget, you've gotta get up. It's time for school," Daddy shakes me away again for the third time this morning. I don't want to go. I didn't sleep well because I had a dream that JJ would kidnap me and then she turned into Taylor. It was so so scary. I woke Daddy up and cried for forever.

"No," I groaned rolling over to hide away in Daddy's bed.

"Come'n you've got to go. School is important," Daddy tries again.

"No!" I scream at him irrationally as I feel my nose twitch and tears start to form. I'm really not happy today.

"Nugget," Daddy coos as he pulls me from the bed and holds me.

I start crying as I hide my face away in his chest. I don't want to be awake. I just want to sleep. I'm tired. I want someone to cuddle me.

"I've got to get to work, and you've got to go to school. I even let you sleep in a little bit now we've got to get ready. I'll help you get ready."

"Uh uh," I whine.

"I know you're grumpy and that's okay but you still have to go to school," Daddy tells me calmly as he tries to put me down but I cling to him instead. He can't take me to school if I don't get dressed. I can't get dressed if he never puts me down. 

"Come on, Nugget. You've gotta work with me. Don't you want to see all your school friends?"

"No!" I shake my head as the tears flow freely.

"Not even that nice boy you told me about?"

"He's a dumb dumb," I complain. I don't care if stupid Henry and his daddy are at school or not. I don't want to go. I want. I want. I don't know what I want.

"Well that's not very kind," Daddy chuckles at my response.

"I-I I don't wanna go," I stutter through my cries.

"I know but it's just one day of school and we're going to Grandma and Grandpa's tonight. That'll be super fun. Plus it's way too early for a temper tantrum."

"I'm not having a tantrum," I scream at him.

"Then what's going on Nugget?"

"I'm very unhappy with you!"

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