Chapter 41

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Brace yourselves this is not a happy chapter for anyone 😔 Please leave lots of comments as I'm driving all day and am excited to know what you're all thinking! Plus I may have stayed up way too late writing this. 😅

Word Count: 3935

Averie's POV

I sat behind the living room couch, my small frame pressed into the back of it, watching Daddy play with James. They were laughing, and James had this big smile on her face as Daddy swung her around. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, the kind of jealousy that makes your chest feel tight and your eyes sting with unshed tears.

Why is James getting all the fun? Why doesn't Daddy play with me like that?

My thoughts swirled, mixing with memories of other times Daddy was too busy for me. I'd lived it before – when he focused more on work than me, or when he would come home tired and just retreat to his own space. It hurt. Every time. And now it's just expected so I play on my own.

But today was different. He had energy for James, but not for me. I didn't understand why, and it made me sad and mad all at once. It was the early afternoon now and I had just woken up from another midday nap, but when I asked him to play this morning he was too tired. Or he needed to get me my meds. I sat by myself with my nebulizer this morning, he didn't even turn on the TV because apparently Ryan wanted to show him something outside.

Finally, when Daddy set James down and the two of them headed towards the kitchen, I mustered up the courage to speak up and leave my hiding spot.

"Daddy," I called, my voice small but determined.

He turned to me, a smile still lingering on his face. "Hey, Nugget. What's up?"

"Why you no play with me like you play with James?" I blurted out, my emotions spilling over.

Daddy's expression faltered, and he glanced at James, who was happily munching on a cookie. He crouched down in front of me, concern etching his features.

"Nugget, it's not that I don't want to play with you. James is just younger, and we were having some fun. But I'm always here for you, okay?"

I didn't buy it. "You always say that, but you never play with me. You always busy or tired."

Daddy sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Averie. Sometimes I get caught up, but it doesn't mean I love you any less. You're my little girl, and I'll always make time for you."

"But you never do," I mumbled, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness.

Daddy's eyes softened, and he reached out to gently cup my cheek. "Nugget, I know I haven't been the best lately. I've been distracted, and I promise I'll do better. How about we spend some time together right now? What do you want to do?"

I thought for a moment, wiping away a stray tear. "I want you to swing me around like James."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Daddy's lips. "Alright, my little Nugget. Let's go have some fun together."

But as we headed outside, my anger bubbled up. It wasn't fair. Why did I have to practically beg for his attention? Why did James get it effortlessly?

"Stop!" I exclaimed, pulling away from Daddy's hand.

Daddy looked confused, his brow furrowing. "What's wrong, Nugget?"

"I don't want to play with you now. You only do it 'cause I asked, not 'cause you want to," I shot back, my voice sharper than I intended.

Daddy's eyes widened, hurt flickering across his face. "Averie, that's not true. I do want to spend time with you."

I crossed my arms, glaring at him. "No, you don't! You're always busy or too tired. But you play with James. It's not fair!"

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