Chapter 31

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Word Count: 3208

Taylor's POV

I held Averie's hand as she hopped up the stairs to the plane. She was a ball full of energy, which is good I guess. If we keep her up now, she'll have an easier time with the jet lag.

Joe helped get the luggage into the undercarriage before joining us in the main cabin. There's open seating and a bedroom with a bathroom in the back.

"Wow!" Averie cheered as she ran around touching everything, "this is so cool!" She was wearing some light pajamas and slip-on tennis shoes. I sported pink sweatpants matched with a loose white top and Joe was wearing sweats and a crewneck. We were dressed for comfort, not for the camera.

Although I did make everyone take half a million pictures to commemorate Averie's first private plane ride. The will be the first ride that she actually remembers too. Joe said they took her on a short ride across London to visit family once but she was a baby-baby.

"Nugget come here, let's get you seated," Joe called her after she had explored most of the plane.

"Do I get my own seat?" Averie asked as Joe slipped off her shoes. He pulled out her blanket replacing the space in her backpack with her shoes.

"Yes, do you want to sit next to me or Taylor?" Joe asked as he watched Averie bounce up and down with excitement.

"Taylor, please!" Averie giggled as she ran over to me as I talked to the flight attendant. She collided with my leg making me stumble a little.

"Breakfast on New York time? Do you want dinner after take off?"

"No, we ate earlier but if you have any snacks about three hours in before we get this little gremlin to bed, that'd be great," I explain combing through Averie's hair.

"Hey! I'm not a gremlin!" She protests.

"Who's not a gremlin?" Greg asks, stepping on the plane.

"Me! Mr. Greg, Taylor said that. It's not true though," Averie complained, pointing an accusatory finger at me.

"Oh no, that's not good."

"Yeah, you can beat her up now," Averie beckoned, making all the adults laugh.

"Excuse me!" I interrupted.

"It's okay. Mr. Greg, I won't tell anyone!" Averie tried to whisper to him, before changing her tone and telling me "I wanna sit down." She grabbed my hand to drag me over but I needed to finish talking to the lady.

"Baby, I can hold you or you can go sit with Daddy, please don't pull my arm off and please don't tell Greg to beat anyone up."

"But if there's an evil, bad guy?" She asks immediately.

"Then you tell an adult and they'll decide whether or not to beat them up."

"I'll tell Mr. Greg then," she triumphantly decides before racing off. I can hear her bouncing on the seats without even needing to look.

"I swear she's not usually like this," I groan while trying to explain to the flight attendant our list of needs for this trip.

Joe sternly pulls Averie off my leather seats and gives her a stern talking too. I can only imagine what he tells her but her eyes go wide before she straightens up. We get seated for take-off shortly after. Averie sat in the window seat, kicking her legs happily as she held her two stuffed animals in her grasp. I sat in the aisle next to her and Joe across from me. I usually sit in the window where Averie is but she wanted to sit there declaring it hers as soon as she figured out how to get up there.

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