Chapter 50

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Happy birthday to me!! Please leave lots of comments cause I enjoy reading them all. 

Word Count: 3248

Averie's POV

The first night with Mummy was scary. I wasn't really sure what to expect, so I kept quiet and followed her closely. Mummy unpacked my suitcase, folding my clothes neatly and placing them in the dresser. She hummed softly to herself as she worked, the melody a soothing balm to my frazzled nerves. But despite her efforts to make me feel at ease, a sense of homesickness gnawed at my insides, the ache of missing Daddy and Taylor too overwhelming to ignore.

I tried to focus on my surroundings instead of crying because what was the use if no one could solve my problems? My room was decorated with pink accents and a wooden undertone. There's not a lot of toys here but that's okay, I can use my imagination. I cuddled Daisy close because she smelled like Taylor even after washing. I hope that her scent never fades.

We sat around Mummy's small dining room table eating pizza, which she made in the oven. It tasted good but it was kind of awkward. She didn't talk much and was on her phone. It reminded me of Daddy before Taylor. He didn't focus on me a lot, so I had to talk to myself in my head. It felt strange to be sitting at the dinner table without Daddy and Taylor or even Greg.

"Alright love, let's get you ready for bed, you've got school tomorrow and we're a long way away," Mummy told me as she helped me up off the ground.

Mummy gave me a bubble bath and it was so fun. She said tomorrow I'll have to take a shower because baths take too much time but that's okay because she told me that big girls take showers. She even said I can take a shower with her so we can go even faster. She gave me a rubber ducky to play with since all my animals had to stay back in my bedroom.

After that we both got into blue pajamas, Mummy let me pick the color. Her pajamas weren't like mine though, it was just a blue top. We brushed our teeth together in the bathroom, laughing as we made goofy faces in the mirror with toothpaste mustaches. Then Mummy brushed my hair and blow-dried it because she said that it's bad to go to sleep with wet hair.

Once we made our way to my new bedroom, Mummy carefully laid my animals on the bed arranging them in a neat row before turning to me with a warm smile. "There you go, Averie. Your friends can keep you company tonight," she said, her voice gentle and reassuring.

I nodded, feeling a surge of comfort wash over me as I hugged my stuffed animals close. Their familiar presence helped to chase away some of the loneliness lingering in the pit of my stomach, their soft fur and comforting weight a soothing balm to my troubled heart. I rearranged them so they were closer to my heart, I wasn't sure about sleeping here. I've never slept here before and Mummy said I was a big girl who didn't need a pull-up at bedtime.

"Well, I guess I should've let you tuck them in instead," Mummy chuckled as she bent down to give me a goodnight kiss and hug. I reveled in the new feeling of having a mummy for a short second before remembering how I got here.

A sense of unease settled over me once again, and I reached for my thumb instinctively, the comforting habit offering a sense of security in the face of the unknown. Mummy's voice cut through the darkness like a sharp blade, her tone stern as she scolded me for sucking my thumb.

"Averie, you know you're not supposed to suck your thumb. It's a bad habit, and it's not good for your teeth," she said, her voice firm but not unkind.

I nodded, feeling a pang of guilt as I reluctantly pulled my thumb from my mouth. Mummy tucked my hand under the covers, her touch gentle but firm as she reminded me of the importance of breaking the habit. "I know it's hard, sweetheart. But you're a big girl now, and big girls don't suck their thumbs," she said, her voice filled with warmth and encouragement. I couldn't help but pout in the low light of the room as she bid me goodnight. She didn't read me a story like Daddy does or sing to me like Taylor. Maybe Mummy's aren't supposed to do that?

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